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  1. erasamus

    The old molasses trick

    hey i never flushed with anything other then just plain water, but i read in another forum about mixing in molasses and something else called "sweets" (which im not sure what it is). i looked for the topic on this forum but this was the closest thread i could find, any info on flushing using...
  2. erasamus

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    stinkbud, did i see somewhere that u were giving directions on making hash in this thread, or did any1 else see that and maybe remember what page it was on im sick of looking, or if anyone knows a good place to get directions with some pictures even, it would be greatly appreciated, i know i...
  3. erasamus

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    great, many thanks to picasso and heheheman
  4. erasamus

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    i actually went back and looked over everything a second time ands its making more sense now. i guess my only real questions come when you cut the fence posts and drill the holes in them, 1) the roots just go into that 4" area? that seems kind of tight, do the roots all overlap each other? 2)...
  5. erasamus

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    hey i know dealing with newbies is annoying and this might be a stupid q, but i am a long-time outdoor grower and have little knowledge of indoor setups (and am trying to get on board), earlier when u showed to 18 gall roughnecks stacked, are the roots supppose to be able to reach down into the...