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  1. T


    This is a great way to smoke efficiently. It's easy and you probably have everything you need in your house. You also need a working sink or some way to fill the bottle with water. I used to do this at a lake. I personally like this method better than the bucket gravity bong because it's not...
  2. T

    A postcard to all my friends.

    Willie Nelson concert on 4th of July concert at The Gorge in George, WA (midway between Seattle and Spokane) a few days ago... it was amazing. The big joint in the middle was named "the willie big joint", haha :joint: If you ever have a chance to see a show there, do it. There's a big...
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    Badass bong building

    Any tips on what to use to seal the downstem? I've used epoxy but it doesn't bond to glass very well. I was thinking about using caulk but I'm not sure it will work...
  4. T

    Tell me everything about LSD.

    Mental illness is often not diagnosed, so a family history is possible. That's why LSD is dangerous... you don't know if you are one of those people at risk. It's possible he had an acute mental illness that was too insignificant to diagnose... acid has the potential to bring out that illness...
  5. T

    Connection between 24hr lights & males

    The thing is, sex isn't completely already decided. There is no accepted way of modeling sexual expression in cannabis plants. From wikipedia: Dioecy is relatively uncommon in the plant kingdom, and a very low percentage of dioecious plant species have been determined to use the XY system...
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    Connection between 24hr lights & males

    This is all well and good... except cannabis plants do not share the same XX/XY chromosome system that mammals do. Your argument is based on a faulty assumption. Some credible research is here:;2-7 It really isn't...
  7. T

    Connection between 24hr lights & males

    I'm still a little bit skeptical... but less than I was when I first read this. Cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Granted wikipedia is not the end-all, but apparently this behavior is apparent in other plants, so this isn't complete bullshit. I'd like to see some sort of credible...