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  1. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    So I get all these post wining about too little detail I give you all the details and get no damn answers. WTF? Odor control, decided maybe three Ionic breezes for oscillation and air movement, and an Ozonator for 150. Will this fix the odor problem of 64 plants? With little to veg running about...
  2. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    Again, odor control is an issue I need answers on. Read detailed grow post and respond please!
  3. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    It is a five month project and SOG so naturally they will be between 18-24 in. when budding is induced.
  4. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    Need answers, so.... BUMP
  5. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    Need answers, so.... BUMP
  6. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    I wouldn't have six weeks. Only five months. Getting a house paying rent ahead of time and living some where else. Not signing lease under my name to avoid obvious problems. Going to have a standing AC unit sucking air from the rest of the house. Still not sure about carbon filter or Ozone...
  7. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    dude it's one 1000 per 8X8 total of 16 plants per 1000 watt lol re read less stoned :) Also odor control, cheapest most effective. Do ozone generators create excess heat? If so how much? I really don't want to do carbon filter with inline fans. Which options uses the least amount of electricity?
  8. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    I have two rain water barrels with hoses plus 4 ft watering spout thing that will reach. I have done 14 plant grow and the watering was cake. Due to some negative profiling I was caught. Cops looking for stolen property found no stolen property but did find my plants. Couldn't charge me with...
  9. Saderin

    4X1000X64 Grow needs advice

    I want to do rows of 8X8 total of 64 plants. Four 1000 watt bulbs. I will go from seed femenized seeds only all Nirvana shop. All soil, SOG style. I understand watering will be difficult but I am prepared for it. I will use Fox Farm or PureBlend. Sound sufficient for a healthy grow? Perhaps a...
  10. Saderin

    Advice needed on grow.

    I want to do rows of 8X8 total of 64 plants. Four 1000 watt bulbs. I will go from seed femenized seeds only all Nirvana shop. All soil, SOG style. I understand watering will be difficult but I am prepared for it. I will use Fox Farm or PureBlend. Sound sufficient for a healthy grow? Perhaps a...
  11. Saderin

    Earliest To Flower?

    Getting this straight of an answer on here is a bitch. You rock
  12. Saderin

    PLease Help!!!! Newbie, with pictures--- not sure what to do???? nuke burn?

    It's nute, not nuke. Yeah looks like it. Water with distilled your next two times and get a weaker dosage. Also that is really early to add nutrients let em get a few tiers. Also I do know that some kinds of potting soil can do that to your plants. What kind are you using.
  13. Saderin

    What's the best way to smoke Hash?

    +1 on the vaporizer. I know allot of people who prefer to free base it too. Try smokin it alone, with weed, jack knife or free base and vaporize it. Vap is the best I think
  14. Saderin

    whites hairs turning brown?

    It's normal, maturing just like pos pos said. Your plants are fine.
  15. Saderin

    Angry people on roll it up read this

    That shouldn't make a difference since every question on here can be googled a million times over, not to mention how it's hard to find all your answers in laymen terms.
  16. Saderin

    Angry people on roll it up read this

    +rep good call. Especially people who bash on others curiosity. If home boy wants to grow using something unorthodox let him! Science was built on curiosity.
  17. Saderin

    help wanted

    That's allot of plants for such a small space. My space is lik 2.5 by 6 and I have only three plants bringin around 2 zips a piece. You can do the MH + the CFL's. Won't hurt nothin.
  18. Saderin

    HPS vs LED

    No one ever specifies what kind of LED. Tri band is suppose to be the shit but it's a new technology so few people have tried it. I agree that the bl/rd leds definitely suck but articles keep saying they need to refine the technology well they did with the tri band UFO. Is that one any good? PS...
  19. Saderin

    Seeds in my buds!!!!

    Maybe you stressed the plants on accident. They'll turn on you sometimes.
  20. Saderin

    Every one's got one, guess I should too

    So I'm gonna do this with as much lingo as I can. I've got a 3 soil buckets on a drip with a 10 gal. res. Basically jerry rigged a hydro for a hands off soil grow, dual spectrum flours. for veg at 18/6 400hps at 12/12. Fox nutes. for veg. Pure Blend pro for flower. One herm fucked the other two...