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    Strain Information

    The Dreamstar is a brand new Oaksterdam strain, and you had the lineage right, but as you're discovering there's been nothing useful yet written online. I'm flowering some myself though and can tell you this: an incredibly strong, quickly growing plant. I'm in day ten of flowering. These were...
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Dear Master, 1st indoor grow, could use some help. Veg and training going so well, decided to take the leap from my T5 system to a grow tent and 1000 hps. If I get a 4' x 8' x 6.5' tent, what would be optimal size cfm fan and filter? Have heard different takes on this--the most commonly...
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    First Closet/Tent setup...advice needed

    Dear Doobie: I am in almost the identical set-up/ situation as you...3 weeks veg/training in closet, and about to move into a tent and 1000 hps, while needing some further clarity about the right fan and carbon filter. Hopefully, if I raise my voice in unison with yours a more experienced...