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  1. Ineedmoney$

    Some issues and im not sure so i need some advice PICS

    i guess i will water her again when i turn the lights on tonite and see if i can get that ph up. give a her a real good flush hopefully this is the problem.
  2. Ineedmoney$

    Some issues and im not sure so i need some advice PICS

    I did quater doses of nutes and keep watering with a really high ph still gettin ph run off of 6.4. Could to much ph up mess it up? Should I just water with a good ph say 6.6 flushimg them until runoff matches or keep watering with a 9 or so? The other plant is doin great same shit same strain...
  3. Ineedmoney$

    Some issues and im not sure so i need some advice PICS

    So this is what she looks like and looks like shes bubbling or something. It might be Mg problem cause this soil is pretty acidic and have been watering with a 8ph to get it to run off to 6.4ph. the other pic of the one good one i uploaded is the same strain there both hybrids but he is doing...
  4. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    well this is day 18 and the last post because he is moving to a new home with 6 others in a hydro. the pictures make him seem yellow but shes not. so peace its been fun
  5. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    :leaf: Day 16:leaf: chopped bottom two that were yellowing and hopfully no more yellow.
  6. Ineedmoney$

    My current grow-Unknown strain

    im not sure whats wrong with your plant(first and 5th pic) but hes in a bad place man, maybe heat stress whats your temps? and they don't need more light right now that one 42 watt should be fine for 2.5 to 3 weeks.
  7. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    this is :leaf:Day 15:leaf: and my PH is getting high so i might lose the bottom two single leaves, but will see. I'm gettin PH down tomorrow so i will water wid some of that tomorrow. despite that everything looks good. :peace:
  8. Ineedmoney$

    Semi-Stealth 230w CFL Grow Grow Journal

    i second that fo sure
  9. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    :leaf:Day 13:leaf: Lookin great.. oh and happy 420:bigjoint:
  10. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    Day 11.5 but my leaves on the three leave are showing a little bit of curling but i didn't water him so he was pretty dry and light was close, will she get better? i will see check tonight and see if she shows better signs:peace: its hard to tell in these pics and she was away from the light for...
  11. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    this is Day 10 and still lookin happy and a nice smell:leaf:
  12. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    oh she don't know about this one shit...and im not going to harvest in my house (way to stinky)... and im not sure on how much lighting is enough for u this is my first cfl , do some looking on here their plenty of info. you do have to change carbon filters and i don't know your house but...
  13. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    im glad to see you guys care...truly, but as soon as i start to even get barley a hint of scent then they will be transfered for sure, but as of now no scent so will see how big i can get before some scent comes into play
  14. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    well see the thing is she knew about them and didn't care until they got bigger and then she wanted them gone so i had someone who was going to take them in a couple of days but when i got home she chopped them and said too bad. And i just turned 18 so a apartment is in the works but for now i...
  15. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    well now two days later and on day 8 i started a 1/4 dose of 8-7-6 miracle gro and seems to be liking it. i will probably do the 1/4 dose for little bit until he gets older and then start him on some 10-15-10 african violet fert. the pic is of day 9. :blsmoke:
  16. Ineedmoney$

    Plant is purple only 5 days old??

    i second that damn those are crazy
  17. Ineedmoney$

    sir smokey's first bagseed grow

    your plants look good and fat nice. let us know how much u get.
  18. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    Its one 6500k 26watt cfl walmart. About 1.5 2 inch away but it will in a better place when it gets bigger, I will keep up dating this.
  19. Ineedmoney$

    How Much Wattage, How Many Bulbs?

    If you gave it any heat stress you will slow growth drawmatcally for a couple of days. 78f is optimal keep it under 82. and just keep you lights close 1 1/2 to 2 inch for now don't worry about the wattage thing until he gets bigger. also he might be root bound how big of a pot is he in, doesn't...
  20. Ineedmoney$

    Second grow but really the first

    bongsmiliewell whats up every one this is my second grow but really my first because my first one was chopped down by my mom when they were 16 inch, two of them were maui plants which really pissed me off. any way this pic is day 7 of my grow just wonder what you guys think. temp runs from 77...