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  1. EternalEnhazment

    Can I Have A Bigger Ego?

    Wow um that waz an odd night im amazed more people with there huge egos didnt jump in like "yah right mine is bigger then the titanic"
  2. EternalEnhazment

    Can I Have A Bigger Ego?

    trust me im baked so if this sounds odd idrc. So i recently measuring my c0ck and for girth (the circumfrance of your c0ck) i got 6 1/2 inches i waz like WTF does that mean so i found this page And my only thought was do i have...
  3. EternalEnhazment

    vaporizers - tell me everything

    1 cuz its like breathing fresh air so sweet and sticky n clean 2 any but if travel alot or need a compact 1 they have a model that pretty much a small box that you put your weed in flip the switch and suck out a small hose 3 heats your weed without burning it so only the tch gets mixed into the...
  4. EternalEnhazment

    my 'what if' thread

    yes becuz then we could fly n shit what if we randomly all grew lead skin from some like random virus plus sun radiation
  5. EternalEnhazment

    my 'what if' thread

    lol wow dude how high are you
  6. EternalEnhazment

    'Beat The Picture Above You' Game

    rust bitch
  7. EternalEnhazment

    my 'what if' thread

    wow dude wat if ppl just randomly stared doing stand up comedy like you on a bus and sum guy just stands up does some jokes. that would be the shit cause you wouldnt stop laughing all day unless ur a loner
  8. EternalEnhazment

    my 'what if' thread

    wat if you went on a harold and kumar adventure that just woulsnt stop?(yah i high as hell bro)
  9. EternalEnhazment

    3D Movies On Your PC Or TV ?

    the only way to do that would be to find the movie on torrent and then in 3-D and find sum glasses then your set
  10. EternalEnhazment

    my 'what if' thread

    what if back in they day they kept cigs illegal but changed weed to legal how much better would today be?
  11. EternalEnhazment

    my 'what if' thread

    what if superman took off another desguise and underneath waz adolf hitler?
  12. EternalEnhazment

    Hairy Pothead and the Marijuana Stone

    any1 know where i can download from free? Hairy Pothead and the Marijuana Stone
  13. EternalEnhazment

    Smoke and watch tv

    im just fucked up on what i was told was reggies but looks like med-highs pretty decent taste and its still pretty green for regs and watchn dorm daze lol it like wtf
  14. EternalEnhazment

    Anyone watch Trailer Park Boys, Weeds, or Breaking Bad??

    watever happened to conrad that guy waz the shit id have him over the estenban guy hes ok and brings alot of intresting turns in the seris but he'd be better as a supporting character that way they can stretch out some of the shit he pulls longer in the seris (ive nvr watched tpb i caught some...
  15. EternalEnhazment

    yo dude how did u win seeds from riy

    yo dude how did u win seeds from riy
  16. EternalEnhazment

    when is it best to clone?

    idk know that thnx man by the way wat strain is ur profile pic looks tasty
  17. EternalEnhazment

    U ever smoked a joint after smoking out a vape??

    srry 4 the double post my firefox fuked up
  18. EternalEnhazment

    U ever smoked a joint after smoking out a vape??

    his got a point when u vape:hump: u taste it more its sweeter and ur tounge likes it better so it releases hormones to pick up the taste more the bowl is very hot and usually stronger burnt taste sense its doesnt got any type of filter so when u taste the bowl compared to the vape:hump: ur touge...
  19. EternalEnhazment

    U ever smoked a joint after smoking out a vape??

    his got a point when u vape u taste it more its sweeter and ur tounge likes it better so it releases hormones to pick up the taste more the bowl is very hot and usually stronger burnt taste sense its doesnt got any type of filter so when u taste the bowl compared to the vape ur touge goes wtf :hump:
  20. EternalEnhazment


    looks like lemon kush i might be wrong but dude if my bagseed grows as good as yours id add rep to every1 of your post lol