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  1. J

    Brown spots on leaves

    Hello everyone, I hope you can help me. Brown spots are appearing in some of the leaves, mostly the upper ones. The plant is 2 weeks into flowering and haven't grown lately and the leaves are showing some damage. I had some problems with spider mites about a week ago, but I think i got it...
  2. J

    White spots in leaves

    Hello everyone, I hope you can help me out. Lately, some little white spots have began to appear on my plant's leaves. They have appeared mostly on the bigger leaves but some small ones begin to show them at well. My plant suffered from nute burn about 3 weeks ago so I had to flush it, do...
  3. J

    Need some help please

    hello everyone, I need some help please. :-( My plant is about 2 weeks into flowering stage. When it was in vegetative stage I burnt nutrient the plant and the leaves curled down, so i flushed it with water. I read that after 2 weeks i'd start seeing the leaves look healthier. My problem...
  4. J

    skinny leaves

    Hello everyone. I'm having a problem with my plant that I hope you can help me solve. Some of the leaves are somewhat skinny and folded from their middle section (imagine the shape of a boat hehe). Some of the leaves' tips are bent downward, mostly on the skinny leaves, but also on some...
  5. J

    flowering question

    hello everybody. I have question about my plant. I just found out it was a female about 2 weeks ago. I'm growing it indoors with 24/0 light/no light and it's currently at it's vegetative growth. Today when i was watering I realized that the pistils are turning a little brownish at the top. I...
  6. J

    bottom leaves dying and top leaves growing bent down

    it's around 30 celcius during the day. What temperature should it be? How close should the lights be from the plant? Thanks for your answers!
  7. J

    bottom leaves dying and top leaves growing bent down

    I've been having some trouble with my plant lately. A couple of weeks ago my plant started to show some signs of nutrient deficiency and also its roots where sticking out of the soil a little. I added more soil and gave it some nutrients and their overall status improved for a while except...