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  1. mnmtumor

    Power Outtage Problems

    Ive got 6 beauties into week 6 of veg now under a t5 4'x8bulb lamp and we had to cut the power to the house today to re-wire over half of the pad. How long (maximum) can plants in veg be in darkness before serious damage occurs? They are all healthy
  2. mnmtumor

    Super Newb- Aero question

    My babies are starting to take off...The roots on all 6 plants just filled out their solocups...I just transplanted to 1 gallon pots with happyfrog soil, and gave 'em a lil nitrozyme with the new watering, very exciting for me. So my plan is to use these 6 plants as mothers when I'm able to...
  3. mnmtumor

    seeds germinated & I got a few questions

    So Ive built my eventual "clone/current mother" box, my seeds have germinated and I planted them in happy frog soil in 16oz red solo cups. Ive got a few questions/worries, in my inexperience/haste I bought a new 4 foot 4 lamp t5 fixture 1)is this too much to get 6 plants goin in a 4'Lx2'Wx3'H...
  4. mnmtumor

    New Grow...Planning stages

    In terms of maximizing yield for this space, but still being able to have fun being stoned and creative designing it...haha, Im wondering what you think of quality/quantity between running 3x432W T-5's (flat grow) or being fancy and doing a vertical grow with 2 600 W HPS in that short...
  5. mnmtumor

    New Grow...Planning stages

    So I have just sexed my plants and ended up with 6/10 being female:razz:. Not bad when 5 feminized cost as much as 10 regualr if not more. So i have these mother plants that I took the test clones off of and I want to start a perpetual SOG aero grow. I have a closet running as my mother/eventual...