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  1. TheLife


    Erm.. I can take a picture but wont like ptting flash right next to it mess it up?
  2. TheLife


    It didnt look that fat it was really thin.. Should I take 1 out of the ziplock its in a ziplock with a tissue paper in a dark closet.. Will it mess up the netire process? Incase it is actually weed?
  3. TheLife


    Any by any chance can you post a picture of the seed you broke?
  4. TheLife


    I got it from a friend.. For like $20 for 6
  5. TheLife


    It looked small... it had a little greenish colour on it.. Im waiting for a few to sprout within this week, if they dont I'll post pictures.. They were very small like REALLY small.. Not that big described in a picture like a mini thing.
  6. TheLife


    bump :$ Lallaa
  7. TheLife


    My seed broke and I noticed that it was a white powdery substance coming out of it, are these weed seeds?
  8. TheLife


    When you crack open a marijuhanna seed by accident, what colour is it suppose to be? (In the inside)
  9. TheLife


    How many g's will 1 plant flower?
  10. TheLife

    Seeds planting em'

    Thnx.. Love you!!
  11. TheLife

    Seeds planting em'

    ?? Help guys
  12. TheLife

    Seeds planting em'

    Bump.. Need to clarify.
  13. TheLife

    Welcome New Members!

    Hmph. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  14. TheLife

    Seeds planting em'

    So the "tap root" at the bottom, and the seed at the top?
  15. TheLife

    Seeds planting em'

    When they sprout, do I plant them upwards to the white little tale, or downwards?
  16. TheLife

    canadian cornfeilds

    loool Tru say this.
  17. TheLife

    Nirvana Seeds

    Hmph.. do they ship to Canada? How safe is this if you use you credit card and ship it to where you live.
  18. TheLife

    Biggest Newb Question

    Wonderful reply, that answered a lot fo questions.. Thanks for the help!
  19. TheLife


    For 1-2 plants.. how much light voltage would I need? Please be low.
  20. TheLife

    Biggest Newb Question

    bump... :$