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  1. Ronjohn7779

    what fertilizer is good for flowering? also for veg?

    Will it work...Maybe. Some have had good success with miracle grow. More then likely you'll end up with some sub par bud.
  2. Ronjohn7779

    Problem With A 7ft Plant

    Try tying it down a bit each day till it's slightly arched (don't go extreme and snap it). Gradually bind it with ropes little by little. Thats the best you can do. Seriously though a 3 foot tall plant will end up being 6-7 feet tall by the end of fruiting (or more if you have crazy stretching)...
  3. Ronjohn7779

    how long does it usually take to starting seeing buds start fourming indoors

    2-4 weeks generally. Usually for the first week or two they veg up in size a bit and then wham-o they fruit.
  4. Ronjohn7779

    this good grow box?

    $300 isn't too bad but for 300 bucks you can make something much larger and much nicer.
  5. Ronjohn7779

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Al, What RH is your room set at? I just got a bomb ass humidifier and was curious what you'd set it at. The room is 17x7x6.
  6. Ronjohn7779

    best stoner t.v. show?

    Tosh.0 and South Park.
  7. Ronjohn7779

    What temp to get my Bubba Kush purple?

    68-70 should do the trick during night time. You could go lower though, but you're plants may or may not respond well to the cooler temps.
  8. Ronjohn7779

    mother plant question

    3-4 depending on size. If you're going to have 3-4 mother plants you might as well grow 3-4 different strains. It will take 2-4 weeks for the mom to recover from the trimming.
  9. Ronjohn7779

    Attitude Seeds - Compromised?

    Most shipping companies just x-ray a random sample, I'm sure it's statistical based. It would be way too costly and time consuming to sample every package. Anyone that's worked for UPS or Fedex can tell you how crazy shit moves in their hubs. They want you to fill up several semi's worth of...
  10. Ronjohn7779

    got a employer drug test! 5 days! best ways to get clean?

    Don't waste you're money on cleaners they don't really work and god knows what you're drinking. Just go buy some fake piss. It really does work.
  11. Ronjohn7779

    Do feminized seeds have a high hermie rate?

    You're pretty new here yourself....Actually newer then the other poster.
  12. Ronjohn7779

    Pot size....?

    You should be fine if you're fruiting small cloned plants like an SOG type grow op where the plants will be 1-1.5 feet tall at finish. If you want you can move them into larger pots, I'd do this if you were growing in soil. If it a hydro grow in a flood and drain table setup then you shouldn't...
  13. Ronjohn7779

    Do feminized seeds have a high hermie rate?

    It depends on the breeder but generally fems produce more hermies then normal seeds. For a good pack of fems you should plan on having 80-90% females and 10-20% males/hermies. Really bad breeders will produce extremely mixed results (anywhere from 50-50 fem to hermi ratios or much worse with...
  14. Ronjohn7779

    Molasses would it make my buds taste better???????

    Molasses and all those carbo loaders don't do dick. I wouldn't waste the time.
  15. Ronjohn7779

    magnum xxxl reflector review

    Spend your money else where. Magnums are built like shit. I had one come ripped up from the factory. And my other 2 (one a replacement for the ripped one) both can't have the side frames screw back into place. Once you unscrew the unit to screw in a bulb the unit's shape shifts and nothing fits...
  16. Ronjohn7779

    hydro vs soil

    Hydro is cheaper, faster, and easier to use. Plants spend way more time vegging in soil then they do in hydro. Fruiting times are generally the same though. Both yield excellent quality if done properly.
  17. Ronjohn7779

    SOG pruning question

    Don't cut any leafs 2 weeks before harvest. Cut the lower 1/3 of the plant in week 2. Then in weeks 3 to 4 recut the lower 1/3 of the plant. You need to do a judgment call as to which week you want to do the trimming. It depends on a lot of factors. I'd say week 4 is best in most cases, however...
  18. Ronjohn7779

    how do growers get caught ?

    Meaningful amount=whatever gets police attention. It could be an ounce it could be several pounds. You never know whose going to rat you out. If you're growing for personal use/for a select few of friends you shouldn't have any trouble with LEO. If you plan on making drug production or selling...
  19. Ronjohn7779

    Northern Lights Bud Denisity

    Its suppose to be pretty dense.
  20. Ronjohn7779

    how do growers get caught ?

    They mostly get caught selling drugs. One person rats on another and so forth...the grower gets busted. Or they get busted being stupid i.e. telling people, not working, having too many people come in and out of an apartment. In any case, try not to grow dope where it's illegal or grow enough...