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  1. O

    Best Nutrients?

    try advanced nutrients. Theyre line is much more specific to certain needs than any other company ive dealt with. I want to try out the Dutch Master Folitech. It apparently allows the plant to better photosynthesize and create its energy. But, if your interested, start with Sensi Grow 2 part...
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    ro stands for reverse osmosis. if you put your water through reverese osmosis process you get water with an approximate ppm of 4. Whereas tap water has a ppm of anywhere between 200 and 400. They usually cost like 3 bills for a nice one. Also, i don't know if anybody out there uses Advanced...
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    Black spots on leaves??

    well sort of i guess in a sense. i have tried (in desperate situations) to just get some crushed garlic and put it around the base of the stem so that at least the bugs (which most likely live in your soil) can't , or won't, climb back onto the plant. Try to gently as you can remove the ones...
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    Black spots on leaves??

    I think what you have is thrips. Little black dots on the undersides of the leaves? a sort of silverish gleam to leaves when they're almost dead? If so its probably thrips. They're little like 1mm long oval shaped insects that feed on the underside of leaves. Also, from my experience, they...