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  1. M

    i need someones knowledge

    thank you..nd yes i have read i researched for like 3 weeks
  2. M

    i need someones knowledge

    i germinated a seed nd when i opened the cloth the shell came off. i just planted the root. is it ok? thanks
  3. M

    is there anyway i can take a weed plant with me when i move?

    i might be moving in about 2-3 months, nd i want to grow a weed plant but im afraid when im growing it we will have to move. is there anyway i can take it with me or make it grow faster? thanks ill be on the road for about 2 days
  4. M

    will this cover up or absorb weed plant smell?

    if i put baking soda in the same place as i put the weed plant will it abosrb the smell of it or cover it up? will the same work with mothballs? or air fresherners( like the ones you use in cars)?
  5. M

    how to hide the smell of a marijuana plant

    i dont have the money to buy anything. i need to cover up the smell completly. can i make anything instead of buying something? thank you im gone 8 hours a day on week days how do i cover it up then?
  6. M

    help please

    im planing on growing a weed plant and im hiding it from my parents. so im putting it in a speaker thats 4 1/2 ft tall nd 2 or 2 1/2 ft wide. its ventilated because i took out the subwoofers. how long until it smells, nd how noticeable will the smell be,nd its near a window to. nd also how long...
  7. M

    someone please help

    hey im just tryin to learn you dont have to make fun
  8. M

    someone please help

    I am new to growing marijuana so can someone give me steps to growing marijuana. starting from the seeds all the way to harvisting the the buds. and can someone tell me how to trim a marijuana plant. is it possible to trim a marijuana plant and still get good buds? any help is greatly...