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  1. T

    help one of my plants is

    haven't visited my outdoor ladies in awile one of them looks like its getting mushy and melting...defiantly stunted im probly gonna chop it down real soon i just wanted to know if and how this can be prevented and or fixed for the future thanks fellas, im guessing powder mildew but ive never had...
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    small problem with outdoor plants

    thanks buddy started them from seed in april first one is pineapple express and the 2nd is Frisian dew i got some fem pollen brewing up to hoping to cross the 2 nice fast flowering resilient plants just a little rusty haven't grown in awhile also first time using organics but loving it
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    small problem with outdoor plants

    plants range from 1 week to 3 weeks into bud and there all showing the same signs of bottom leafs yellowing then turning whiteish and dieing off im thinking its a mag def just wanted others opinion before i started giving more nitrogen using biobuz grow and bloom in smart pots ph around 6.5...
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    question Colloidal Silver not working...

    thx guys , also RockyMtnMan ive read that entire grow journal red eyes to prove it, ill move up to twice a day see if it helps, at first these ladies showed the same signs as he had in the journal but now they seem to be taking off into bud. some of the pistils are dying but some are not, i...
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    question Colloidal Silver not working...

    i ordered some colloidal silver online i got the 240 ppm and diluted it down to 60-80 ppm i started using it on 2 plants the day i switched the lights and i am now on week 2 of using it, and i am seeing female flowers but no pollen sacks... up untill last week there was no new growth so i...
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    outdoor plants stretching.. or genetics

    also im guessing there getting around 7 hours of direct sun light including morning sun.
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    Purple #1, Frisian Dew and Georges Diamond #1 !!! Possible early flowering ?

    Nice man i got a Frisian dew outside as well and a few of her babies are going out this week all myn are vegging strong i never had any plants start flowing this time of year but i did have some start end of July once. with day time hours getting a min or so shorter every day i dont think your...
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    Bubba OG SFV OG Super Skunk and Master Kush Outdoors My new ladies

    i think hes talking about the soil mg has nutes in it.
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    outdoor plants stretching.. or genetics

    so i got a few different strains out this year and one of my mistery skunks look like there stretching i have other strains next to them and there showing no signs of it im just wondering if its the strain or if i need to find a spot with more light all my others are bushing out and these guys...
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    help with breeding...

    thanks guys yea im using colloidal sliver im just being a cheap ass don't want to buy seeds again. and i dont have any males everything i got is feminized seems to be the only thing you can get now on the strains i want so in your opinion self crossing wouldn't be as stable as crossing...
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    I had Twins

    i had the same thing happen to me on a autoflower one was to weak and died off in days the other took over
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    help with breeding...

  13. T

    help with breeding...

    so ive been reading and reading for almost a week now and im getting all kinds of mixed answers so i have 3 feminized mothers and i have 3 feminized clones from those mothers i want to take the pollen from the clones so i can get some seeds from the mothers would it be better to cross that...
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    change out plants soil?

    thanks for the help
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    change out plants soil?

    i understand its the wrong soil now, potting mix has the same warning on the bag and ive used it with no problems and the garden soild is all i had at the time im wondering if the compacted soil is not allowing my roots to take in nutes i pulled a handful of leafs off 7 girls today 2 days after...
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    question about plants . calcium deficiency?

    well sience i posted last i got some cal mag and ive dosed here 3 or 4 times with no luck im thinking it has to be a nitrogen decency.
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    change out plants soil?

    allright so i have a mix of seeds from attitude and they all seem to be showing the same problem i keep my ph around 6.5 also have lime in my soil im feeding with bio buzz grow half strength in mg organic garden soil and have been using cal mag they all seem to have a nitrogen decency so i upped...
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    question about plants . calcium deficiency?

    thinking this might be a calcium deficiency other then the other plant being a little over watered it seems like it is starting to do the same ph is 6.5 temp and humidity are good what do you guys think?
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    KC Brains Mango Report

    just sprouted 10 of 10 within 48 hours so far they look lovly will keep everyone posted on how well they do from what i hear they are unstable and have a bunch of diffrent phinos
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    hey man i was wondering if you could answer a question for me ill be setting up my grow room...

    hey man i was wondering if you could answer a question for me ill be setting up my grow room inside a cabin with a breaker box not sure if its to much to run 2 1000w lights with fans, do i need to do anythins special or can i just plug them in and grow u heard you dont want that much...