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  1. N

    Successes or failures in LA

    yeah we do and its something the whole country could learn from
  2. N

    Successes or failures in LA

    thanks man ur a lifesaver, some of these guys are arrogant, stuck up and just plain mean> im so glad i found someone to help THANK GOD FOR LOUISIANA AND HER PEOPLE!!!!:)
  3. N

    Successes or failures in LA

    wat companies would u suggest
  4. N

    what diseases are contracted my MJ

    ok stranger u can suck my ass where it looks like i fig, as for info: Shes still 3'7"or real close and there other is about 1'6" or real close.I have them on 12/12 and has been about 7to 10 days. i repotted the big one about 5 days ago app. because the soil was so packed that the water ran...
  5. N

    what diseases are contracted my MJ

    everyone that has viewed this must be as new as i am because im 0/9. Is everyone so new that they dont know or is it because they dont really care:(
  6. N

    what diseases ae contracted by marijuana plants

    Does anyone know of any diseases that mj plants can catch and how would i go about saving a diseased plant
  7. N

    what diseases are contracted my MJ

    i had originally thought that the exteremly packed soil caused nut. lockout, BUT now im not so sure cause my little girl has the same symptoms but only on one leaf, can u guess wat that leaf was touching. Thats right one leaf of my little plant was touching one "infected" leaf of my biggest...
  8. N

    Successes or failures in LA

    thanks man i think i will
  9. N

    help got advice to repot during flowering stage is this ok?

    always my man if i dont know everything then there always more to learn.Little update:shes ok and doing better and my little one is training nicely shes about a foot and half now with all the side growth growing rapidly
  10. N

    Successes or failures in LA

    Thanks man i was wiggin out cause i thought about it, researched it and then i got high and on came the paranoia.All it seems like i can git in this podunk town is decent bagseed and i was thinking about steppin it up a little and getting some of the good shit. I appreciate ur feedback, that...
  11. N

    Successes or failures in LA

    Has anyone had any seeds shipped to louisiana and if so was it a success or not
  12. N

    Aqua Globes?

    ok yeah i probably shoulda mentioned that the person also said uncrimp the end so u can remove the bearing and do it just like the aqua globe
  13. N

    Aqua Globes?

    well i heard something about using a rabbit feeder nozel and a two liter bottle but it sounded a little sketchy
  14. N

    Aqua Globes?

    do they work, is anyone using them and if so let me know wat u think. I saw some at wal-mart and my granny uses some in her house plants and they do fine. Will They Work?????????????????????
  15. N

    help got advice to repot during flowering stage is this ok?

    Thanks to everyone for all of your help and advice!!!!!!!
  16. N

    help got advice to repot during flowering stage is this ok?

    another update :the damage isn't any better but it isn't any worse either. She stopped drooping and is back standing up and growing a little. All the ends of the stems were drooping but aren't anymore, and most of the leaves are back standing up so i think she'll be ok, only time will tell though
  17. N

    help got advice to repot during flowering stage is this ok?

    nothing personal man but im that new to this that i dont know right from wrong and the majority said leave it 12/12 so i am and she isnt drooping anymore, like when i first repotted so at lights out im thinking she will be ok
  18. N

    help got advice to repot during flowering stage is this ok?

    thanks for the help i think im gonna leave her on 12/12 cause thtas wat the majority seems to think i aughta
  19. N

    wats up man thanks for the help muchly appreciated

    wats up man thanks for the help muchly appreciated
  20. N

    thanks thats wat ill do

    thanks thats wat ill do