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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    cost alot to run this fan and is very noisy... but does move alot of air
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    anyone grown big bang 2

    big bang one stinks like hell but not impressed with it at all. ive had way better free strains like fruity chronic juice or roadrunner auto. i recommend something different....but since its coming try it maybe yours will turn out great.... huge buds though... not very potent or tasty.... look...
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    Has Anyone Ever Grown Hammerhead from Medical Seeds Co.?

    im curious too anyone grown this strain??? hows your little one doing??
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    The Art of The Auto

    when do you guys start giving you plants nutrients
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    Cinderella 99 - 3 Week Cure - Pics Included

    ummmm c99 is great smoke...hope i have can get my hands on seed or clone one day..
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    where can i get these ?

    ur local hardware store should have them
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    The Art of The Auto

    ive got an auto i want to start called roadrunner it recomends 20 hours light for full question is do i leave her on 20 hours light her whole life???? shes an auto so switching to 12/12 doesnt matter right?????
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    32 x 24 x 11 POLE BARN medical grow 72 plants How would you design it?

    3 rooms would proubly be better to harvest more offten one room for ur veg then 2 flower rooms if ur strains are 8-9week strains u could harvest about every mounth and a half that way you wont be over whelmed come harvest trimming 30 plants at once cause thats a lot of work
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    need help on cooling grow space. what cfm do i need

    thanks for the replies. so would two of these be good one intake one exaust
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    need help on cooling grow space. what cfm do i need

    i need help on figuring out what size fans i need to get my grow tent the same or as close to the temp the room its in. the tent is 4 1/2 feet long 2 1/2 feet wide and 6 1/2 feet tall . the lighing is 600watt air cooled euro hood 6 inch. i would like to put a duct fan close to the bottom to...
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    weed under microscope looks more like rock sugar, not trichomes? why

    if someone put glass on my weed i would try and kill them befor i will kill u if u swallow it... your body cant digest it u will die a slow death of internal bleeding.....ive herd stories of light bulb being crushed and put in food in prison to kill people.....that shits fucked up
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    weed under microscope looks more like rock sugar, not trichomes? why

    cut nug in half and check the inside of it... tricomes can fall off or get smushed and look wierd on out side if miss handled
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    Harvesting & Freezing

    ive done this.. do you self a favor dry it right. if u freeze it fresh it will tast like crap and potency will go way down . i ended up giving most of it away i was very disapointed
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    Topping: head to head comparison?

    it will increase yield. more branches/nodes more buds with multiple colas no pics but it will work ive tried it was very happy
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    Can this plant be put back into VIG

    yes u can do it but u need to leave as many leave as possible hit it with half strength veg nutrients and be patient when i did it the plant was so shocked it took like a month to get back on track u have to keep leaves on it floral feeding helps too good luck
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    somebody tell me the best way to store your harvest

    after its cured u can store it for a long time(years) just open the jars every couple weeks . i cure for a month opening jars twice a day the first 2 weeks the jars are open a hour each time then the second two weeks i empty the jars check for any mold or bugs(fuckin spider mites) if all is good...
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    Imprtant Question On Flowering Period.

    i start counting weeks when plant starts flowering. with my setup and strains usually about a week after i put them in flower room
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    Flushing, 7-10 days final phase (SOIL)

    i use 3 times more water than pot size for example 5 gallon pot 15 gallon water. then water normally for 10 to 14 days . then when soils dry ready for next water i turn off lights for 24-48 hours the chop chop. because the soil is dry it speeds up the hang drying around 5 days under my...
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    HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010

    i second that please share some knowledge my biggest problem is bugs that there looks like a fulltime job
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    Early Purp Harvest (on the go)

    the gallon jugs can be ur pots and the cooler can be a type of box to put them in thats rugged enough to burry under everything else the reson i say burry the cooler is so it cant be opened easy like during a traffic stop if its burried they wont see it if its in ur back seat they might ask to...