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  1. MidnightGardner

    2nd time tryin coke, what to do???

    If you are going to play with that shit, Check out MDPV nearly same effect plus lasts a lot longer. and due to the fact it is so new it is legal. You only need 4mg-8mg and you are off ya tits for 6 hours. now for the best bit It is only $100 for 50Grams google it you may have to order...
  2. MidnightGardner

    help with sanitation-shrooms

    I checked mine yesterday, on the latest batch I had one contam out of 20. I thought that wa quiet good.
  3. MidnightGardner

    Do shrooms go bad if they're sealed?

    I have stored dry liberty caps in news paper,in a box, and they have been good for 12 month, and they have still been good. You do need to make sure they are totaly dry though.
  4. MidnightGardner

    Dishwasher sterilisation

    I used the dish washer to sterilize the substrate, i have used Rye flour on this batch and all look good.
  5. MidnightGardner

    rhye flour

    If you are having trouble getting things, Ebay i a good start most thing you will need are found on there. You can def get Verm and perlite, a well as empty syringes for collecting spores and all other goodies to make life easier.
  6. MidnightGardner

    Hey everyone i have about 2 grams of Shrooms

    With libery caps I alway drop them in boiling water then simmer till the water is black. (30+ mins) Darker the water better the trip.
  7. MidnightGardner

    Hey everyone i have about 2 grams of Shrooms

    The ban is getting bigger, they where banned in the uk in 2005 and holland will be banning them December 2009. That is why my grow rooms are on over drive, to get as many strains and prints a poss.
  8. MidnightGardner

    Dishwasher sterilisation

    Well a week to go and if these baby fruit ok, I can retire my well worn pressure cooker. Have a good mix in this batch with GT and B+
  9. MidnightGardner

    Hey everyone i have about 2 grams of Shrooms

    I do a lot of liberty in the winter. a rule 100 shrooms in tea for good trip with colour 300-400 to hit the dark side
  10. MidnightGardner

    Dishwasher sterilisation

    Has any one used a dish washer to sterilise shroom jars ? 2 weeks ago I set dishwasher to 65C for 90 mins with 20 jars, and it looks like it has worked well. all spawning no contams so far, fingers crossed.
  11. MidnightGardner

    helo from uk

    Hi I am also in the UK At the moment I have KC Brains Mango and Dutch Passion Holland Hope both growing outside. out of 20 seeds only one mango did not germ. The are all doing realy well.
  12. MidnightGardner

    Trying salvia tonight, help me ensure an experience

    As I grow my own salvia I think the worst case senario is, one of ya budds filming you and pasting you all over youtube looking a total retard.
  13. MidnightGardner

    Shroom Stems

    All i can say is after many years and many strains abused, dont wate any of the holy shroom. Caps, Stems all get ya there. If you do decide to just go for caps, then save all ya stems and post them to me. all tickets to the dark side are most welcome.
  14. MidnightGardner

    shrooming event with chimps

    Had you thought that the chimp might have been banging on the glass becuase they noticed you where shroomed off ya face. And it brought back memories of the good old days of being wasted in the trees out in the wild.
  15. MidnightGardner

    rhye flour

    Stay with plain perlite, I am not sure about miracle grow perilite. Keep it basic and clean and you should be ok.
  16. MidnightGardner

    help with sanitation-shrooms

    If you are fruiting over perlite bed when you initaly wet the perlite add 1.5 tbs of peroxide to water this help stop contams in fruiting chamber. just a tip for later in your grow.
  17. MidnightGardner

    rhye flour

    Breaking Rye flour cakes works ok with Virm . Just break the cake up in to small chunks then lay them out, try to keep them level as poss using small pieces to fill gaps before casing
  18. MidnightGardner

    rhye flour

    Organic rye flour work great., i have grown many strains with it and found it to colonize faster than BRF.
  19. MidnightGardner

    Salvia growing well

    Ahhhh sorry, my mistake.
  20. MidnightGardner

    Salvia growing well

    For making extracts I tend to use acetone, 15 grm chopped washed 4 times then poured over 1grm. After evaporation this makes a nice hit, but every one i have spoken to has there own method to extract. just check out youtube loads of video explaining.