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  1. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    Root Rot Problem

    i change the resavouir every week its only 5 gallonsand clean the pumps tubing and airstones
  2. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    Root Rot Problem

    in the past few days my roots went from pure wite to a brown yellowis color but the plants still look good. what is causeing that and how can i get rid of it.The plants are in a rubbermaid with bubblers and a circulating waterpump.
  3. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    1st Grow in the Aerogarden need help with nutes

    This is my first time to try and grow with a hyrdroponic system. i didn't put any nutes in the water for the first week, and now i am trying to get the right amount. I have the nutes that came with the AG and i have Schultz plant food 10-15-10 that a friend gave me also some Superthrive. I just...
  4. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    Grow in my cabinet

    I started growing in my cabinet and its kinda small 17 in. wide 18 in. depth 40 in. height i have 4 cfl's in there and a fan will it get too hot in there with only the fan.
  5. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    need help with plants...leaves turning yellow and rolling upwards

    My plants are 2 weeks old and they just recently started to get brown spots and turn yellow at the edges of the leaves and turn upwards i have tryed to move the lights back further but it hasn't helped and i have been keeping the soil wet enough any help on this
  6. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    Help with lighting distance

    ya theres a fan in there and also one on top blowing through a couple of holes but when you say 2700 flower 6500 veg do i need different lights that put out 6500 or more 2700 lights
  7. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    Help with lighting distance

    how close does it need to be and do i need to get different lights bc they are 2700 lumens they aren't right for veg growth
  8. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    Help with lighting distance

    they are gettin good air flow and watering about every other day they have been growing for about a week and half
  9. Smokinwithewoodlandfairie

    Help with lighting distance

    I started my first grow with two 42 watt 2700 lumens cfl's, and I've read to keep lights 12 inches away. My friend told me to keep them four to five inches away. So I did that and checked them this morning one of them was withered to shit that one was closest to the lights and the others looked...