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  1. M

    Now What?

    Hey everybody I've gone and thrown few seeds in my pot and they all popped,is it a must that i repot them all or can i let them all grow together?:weed: oh yeah and just by looking can anybody say if these are indica or sativa?
  2. M

    F**ked up or can she be saved

    believe it or not my fellow stoners that shit wasn't brown it was light green those pics were awful....and i smoked it and surprisingly i got very lit for about 45 luck next time i guess i still have one more lady she should be good but it's time totake her on in
  3. M

    F**ked up or can she be saved

    Yeah it was starting to flower even had a nice citrus smell.....everything was fine until the f**kin rain in ga, my town wasn't flooded but not much sunlight either
  4. M

    F**ked up or can she be saved

    Well if she's can i at least smoke the broad? She used to be beautiful
  5. M

    F**ked up or can she be saved

    can this bitch be saved or what? Can anybody help it was fine and then four days later this is what i get what happened?!!!!!!!!!!! PICS AREN'T GREAT I THINK SHE'S DEADbongsmilie
  6. M

    final potting

    it's been in the same pot from the begining and this is my first can some of you gimme a few pointers on how to do this thing right...thanx my fellow stoners
  7. M


    thanx but that's not a cup it actually a flowerpot just looks like that from the picture angle...good info
  8. M

    final potting

    hey is it ok if i go ahead and put this girl in her final home
  9. M


    hey everybody...this an update on my girl and there's somethin goin on with her,so i wake up about a week ago..go outside look at my plant and it got these fuckin holes like somethin has been eating on it and the leaves are turning yellow...whatever was there isn't there anymore because the...
  10. M

    tell me somethin good

    oh yeah and it's outside so is it harmful for me to cover them with a nice size box at night because of these fuckin street lights or what?
  11. M

    tell me somethin good

    can somebody look at this plant and tell how long i have until flowering i don't want it to get too tall i had 6 plants 4 of which were males so i got my two ladies left
  12. M

    tell me somethin good

    oh yeah it's from a bagseed so i don't know what it is
  13. M

    tell me somethin good

    :weed:Wuzup everybody....I'm new at this thing I don't really know what's goin on wit dis plant i mean one of the leaves looks like it got bit off on the end but i don't see any signd of harmful bugs...can somebody take a look and gimme some I love this site:eyesmoke:
  14. M

    What's wrong

    oh yeah and it also starting to flower i guess cuz the top is filled with those little white hairs in the middle and under the leaves at the top
  15. M

    What's wrong

    it actually sits in this one spot back there where the sun shines for about 1and a half to two hours from 8 am til about 5pm but it's still bright out but then around 7 the sun covers the whole porch until it goes down around 8:45 almost nine sometimes....the winds been blowin nice too
  16. M

    What's wrong

    I'm growing from a seed i had from some real good good there was only one and I planted it
  17. M

    What's wrong

    :bigjoint:What's up ereryone I need a little advice on this one i never did this growing thing b4 and my pics aren't that good but i know someone can tell me something....i'm growin it outside on my back porch it's very sunny but with alot of shade so sunlight is not always direct but...