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  1. farmermonkey

    Way to calibrate PH meter without solution

    You guys are awesome. I will grab some water from the grocery store today along with some coke and avg out the PH reading between the two. Thanks a million guys!:bigjoint:
  2. farmermonkey

    Way to calibrate PH meter without solution

    Thanks so much guys. I had already ordered a PH control solution, but it wont arrive until next friday, thats the reason i asked regarding a home made temporary PH level i could calibrate against. The reason i chose milk of magnesia was because it has roughly a 10.4-10.8 PH level. Right now...
  3. farmermonkey

    Way to calibrate PH meter without solution

    Hey guys, My last ph meter gave out on me (I was testing the PH level of my res when my arm got caught on one of my ladies and i dropped the ph meter in the water)... anyway I had to grab my old Milwake pH600 meter, but its not calibrated. I don't have any solution on hand and non of the hydro...
  4. farmermonkey

    cant find 1 part for my Aero System :(

    Hey guys, I have every part I need for my new aeroponic home made system, but the 1 part I cant find is the growing trays that the plants are situated in (some people use vinyl post covers). Im talking about the long trays that sit on top of the reservoir . Anyone know where to get these or...
  5. farmermonkey

    Homemade Bubbleponics system HELP!

    1) Check PH 2) Check PPM 3) Check Temp of air. 4) If all of those are fine, check the amount of air coming out of the air stones. After a while the stones may get salt buildup and have seriously reduced air output - essentially drowning your plants. 5) Check the roots, are they still...
  6. farmermonkey

    Help 9 1/2 foot monster plant...

    you might also be able to see I put a string or two around the center - she keeps falling over bc of the sheer weight. Her roots filled the entire 5 gallon hydro dwc bucket she is in, so im debating to transplant to a 10 gallon or not. If i do, ill obviously have to move her out, that way i can...
  7. farmermonkey

    Help 9 1/2 foot monster plant...

    ok guys, got some pics, 1st is her from above. Had to get on step ladder - couldnt get all of her in the pic, but about half - she branches out like a giant christmas tree. 2nd is her from about 4ish feet from the bottom, move some of her stems and branches out way so you could get idea of her...
  8. farmermonkey

    DIY AC just wanna share actually it came in a pack of 25 feet minimum, couldn't find any shorter lol. Other than that though I can use it to vent outside if the smell gets too much, but with my mini carbon filter, doubt that will be a problem.
  9. farmermonkey

    Help 9 1/2 foot monster plant...

    Hey guys, Have a huuuugggee problem. 2 weeks ago, I set my plants into flowering 12/12, and all but 1 were male. Just happens that the biggest plant was a female, and after cleaning out the others, gave her full room to grow. Only problem now is, she just wont stop growing! she is about 9...
  10. farmermonkey

    DIY AC just wanna share

    Ok guys, ladys are awake so heres the Pics. First Pic: > Complete AC Unit. > Fan on left blows air over back of AC unit > Box Covers Back of unit > Tubing on right vents air out and through my home made carbon filter under closet door. Second Pic: Close up of my home made carbon filter...
  11. farmermonkey

    DIY AC just wanna share

    yeah man the water cooled unit works great otherwise, but where i live its like 110 outside, and running the central AC only cools the room if the closet door is open......then smell. lol Had to invent something else lol.
  12. farmermonkey

    Tell me it isnt so.....male plant :(|) ?

    have you tried looking where you left them last.
  13. farmermonkey

    Tell me it isnt so.....male plant :(|) ?

    ......somehow.....:bigjoint: :grin:
  14. farmermonkey

    Tell me it isnt so.....male plant :(|) ?

    p.s Dave seems to like the taste. Normally he likes to catch the live fish in his aquarium, this evening though, he munched through 12 leaves and 6 stems, spared the fishes. Tomorrow I will prepare him a special dinner, leaves, with a hint of pollen sac, topped with some stems over a mushed up...
  15. farmermonkey

    Tell me it isnt so.....male plant :(|) ?

    ...thanks for that. I use 600w HPS, but all this talk about lights wont make my male into a female.....ohh the pain, ...the pain..
  16. farmermonkey

    DIY AC just wanna share

    The ladies are sleeping right now. As soon as they wake up....ill have some pics. Just for some info guys, my grow room is 600w 6x10x8. Located in the center of the house with no way to ventilate (other than leave the door open and smell the place down). temps reached almost 100 at one point...
  17. farmermonkey

    Tell me it isnt so.....male plant :(|) ?

    Oh he will be.....if its green, he eats it. Least the plant served some purpose... Not sure what to do about the hermie though, cut it down or see if there are any stems/branches with just female flowers and keep.....actually nvm. Not worth risking. ....Dave....he will appreciate it.
  18. farmermonkey

    DIY AC just wanna share

    Hahaha, i laugh bc I just built that 2 days ago. Honestly though, if your growing in a confined space (about all the unit is useful for) then it will work to cool the room if the main light source is a low 125 watter or t5s. Anything more, and the ice in the container melts toooooo fast, the...
  19. farmermonkey

    Tell me it isnt so.....male plant :(|) ?

    haha yeah,....hope daves hungry, hes got alot of work to do (plant is like 5ft by 3ft and the other is 7 ft by 4ft....monsters they would have been....monsters ):cry: lucky though got 2 more plants and my special lady is still...a lady -7ft by 4ft also. and bushy like an afro on...
  20. farmermonkey

    Tell me it isnt so.....male plant :(|) ?

    Ok guys, just took some more photos. Appears the 1 indica is male and 1 sativa is male.... :shock::cuss:. I've never been so upset and traumatized to see a male sac in my life..... Why god, why?!!! Anyway before I send them off to be chomped by my recycling machine "dave", can you guys...