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  1. SummerBreezz09

    Plzz Help, I'm Abit Confused.....

    This is a bag seed, it has been on 24 hours of light for 5 weeks and there is pistils all over the top, can a plant flower on 24 hours of light??? If so it must be some kind of autoflowering strain???? Should i cut the light cycle back now that its budding, even tho its only 7 inches tall...
  2. SummerBreezz09

    A few problems with my second grow

    what do you mean make it level with the rest? How do i do that? Any help will be appriciated.....
  3. SummerBreezz09

    A few problems with my second grow

    Hi everyone, i had a recent thread on here about my plant stretching at the top during flowering, it stretched so much i ran out of room so i had to tie down the top abit, so i pulled the top towards the right side of my box and the top pulled towards the light and straightened out which is what...
  4. SummerBreezz09

    Stretching During Flowering

    It's a CFL 2700K for flowering and its only between 2/3 inches above the plant, i heard of it stretching abit during flowering but i didnt think it would be this bad. Will the bud fill in the space where it stretched? Or is my main cola now gonna b small and scraggley because it stretched so...
  5. SummerBreezz09

    Stretching During Flowering

    Hi, is there anyone that can help me out I put my plant on 12/12 last sunday its been a week now and the top internodes have stretched 6 inches, is this good or bad? And why is it doing this? Will the bud fill in the gap? Any help will be great, as this is only my secong time growing...
  6. SummerBreezz09

    Seedling light cycle ???

    go 20/4 then cut it to 16/8 after three weeks then ull c the sex then cut it right to 12/12 mayb even 10/14.....
  7. SummerBreezz09

    Wierd lookin weed plant...Can anyone help???

    hey everyone whats up, im not exactly having a problem i just dont no whats up with one of my plants... After the single leaves grew in the three leafs never grew in, two arms came out and started growing from the top. Can anyone let me no whats up with this plant.
  8. SummerBreezz09

    Updated Pic...Is She Ready For Harvest Yet?

    Does anyone think it will b good to pick next sunday???? It will be 15 weeks/8 weeks flowering......
  9. SummerBreezz09

    Updated Pic...Is She Ready For Harvest Yet?

    This is an updated pic from the last one...She's now 14 weeks old/7 weeks flowering, like i said before it's my first time, and i wanna pick it at the right time, not to late..... Any comments will help as to how much longer i should wait?????? It also seems like the bottom buds will need to...
  10. SummerBreezz09

    Is my plant ready for harvest????

    Hey how's it going everyone, this is my first successful grow, i am wondering if my plant is ready for harvest. It's 13 weeks total and 6 weeks flowering. Just let me no what you think??????
  11. SummerBreezz09

    plants dying urgent help needed

    Thanks alot, i figured the problem out. The bottom of my pots weren't getting enough water, and they were root bound, so i transplanted them and made sure they got enough water. Saved them all except one....R.I.P. little girl lol hate to c a plant die, it's like a part of you dies...
  12. SummerBreezz09

    Earliest outdoor planting temps?...

    there 4.5 weeks
  13. SummerBreezz09

    Earliest outdoor planting temps?...

    will a plant survive outdoors at night with a temp of +2 i live in ontario and i need to put them outdoors soon??????
  14. SummerBreezz09

    plants dying urgent help needed

    when i woke up this morning one of my plants were folded over, and after i got back from work another one did the same thing and a few more a starting to droop really bad, im a first time grower and could use so help......If u think you might b able to help me please leave me some comments...