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  1. T

    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    Hi, some more problems i see. Im sure it will work out in the end :). myself did have 2 pull a male yesterday, and now looks like i have 3 female or 3 hermie left. so have still some time untill i am 100% sure. Nice list u did have there, many diffrent strain, good for me 2 learn about hydro...
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    Good morning, I will take some pics, but have 2 wait, too stoned and lazy 2 go and buy some battery's for the cam, and my cellphone dont take so clear pics. But will try 2 do it before monday :). Starting 2 get tired of waiting for the plants, maybe better if i just give them i dead line...
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    Good here, what kinda are they? p.s u are right its sounds much cooler :) Did forget too add that i can see brown hairs coming out from the nods. :( Does this mean that the all of them are hermie ?
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    I live next too the hillside and there is wild monkeys living there. And this in a major city. :) Well no cougars but they have tigers in the jungle here
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    The are not a problem yet, but they are getting close 2 be a problem. I don't think anybody wanna have them in ur home, because this. i remember 1 time when the basters did come in, it was not fun 2 clean up after them :( they did eat everyting they did find, one have taken a bite from the soap...
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    Good morning, Hope all is okay, myself i have been up since 3 am 2 wait for the lights 2 go on so i can go and check if i can see the sex of the plants, but looks like i have 2 wait couple of days more 2 be sure. other wise i just have 1 more problem, notting 2 do with plants, its just the...
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    Its not about the money, its just i can have more then the lights i have now (1x400hps, 2x150mh and couple of cfl also). the thing is i can because i already have 3 aircons, (1x10000, 2x12000)and dont wanna change the fuse box, right now, will do it later, when i am sure what i about growing and...
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    Thanks guys, i will check out the links. When i see ur plants it makes me just wanna go and get couple of 1k lights, but will wait until i really i know my my plants, until that i will be wachting ur plants and dream :)
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    For sure i ask u guys thing when i have a problem. This 1 one of my new plants. its about 3 weeks old, And dont look at the pic on smokes, that pic almost makes me wanna stop smoking, This plant i will do some topping so i will learn, i hope it will be okay,if u have any other ideas for me 2 do...
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    Good 2 see u have everything working now, I will studying ur grow extra hard this time so i will learn, because i will do a small hydro next grow and see if i get it 2 work, :), Its always Good feeling 2 a read ur journal, and all ppl like MG,TM, and many more just make this a great place 2...
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    Hi, i see that u did have some problems :(. But i think u will work it out. 2 day i will go and see one temple when i there i will pray for ur girls. :) Just wanted 2 drop by and check out whats happening. I just 2 say that they have some realy good opium here :) Puff,puff and pass out :)
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    SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush

    So here u go again, And i will be following this one also. whats happening on with my plants is not so much, the only thing that i did u was 2 put all my 4 plants in a 80 liter container and i have a one 100 liter water tank that will water 10 liters every 3 days. and i hope all will be okay...
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    TileMasters 1000w 9 plants*mixed strains from clone*medigrow

    Very nice, Just wanna say very nice again. keep up the good work. :)
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    SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

    Nice harvest. Now i am just waiting for u 2 start ur hydro grow so i can learn, Anyway i still waiting for my girl 2 show sex. Puff,puff bye
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    TileMasters 1000w 9 plants*mixed strains from clone*medigrow

    Hello there, so soon harvest time, Great! SO why do u want a split aircon? are the better? and if why? I ask because i have 1. Did not have a choice that was the only aircon i could buy cheap $300. Puff,puff bye
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    SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

    I am sorry say that i am not in uk, i am im asia and i dont dare 2 order anything here because here they will hang u for more then 8 ounces. so i have 2 realy plan everyting i do. but dont have choise if i wanna some good stuff then i have 2 grow good stuff. and keep up the good work. Puff...
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    SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

    I just wanted 2 that love ur vids. I hope u will hit ur mark , so u can get want u need for the next grow. And i have decided 2 get 2 400W hps high bay lights. and i am starting 2 think about getting a hydro system but i have 2 wait for that untill i go 2 holland or sweden where i can get some...
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    Highbay Lights

    Referring to these link provided below- I would like to ask which of these type of light is good. They're being...
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    SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

    Sorry for taking a few days to answer. My secretary (that's me-His maid cum typist girlfriend) has been busy. Anyway, I have 2x 150W MH flood lights and I am looking a 400 or 600W HPS for flowering but I have started flowering with MH starting last Monday (6 days). I have 6 sativas (bag...
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    TileMasters 1000w 9 plants*mixed strains from clone*medigrow

    For the advice u gave me couple of days ago. Good luck with ur new seedlings. will be following and learning for ur journal. And some rep for u. :) Puff,puff bye