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  1. M

    Cloning is killing me

    I always heard below the water line, but since I can't get it to work, I might be wrong And by the way...trying to go back to basics with a new batch. Cut, gel, rockwool and heating mat and with dome. It seems I wasn't misting them often enough before. I am misting about 4 times a day now and...
  2. M

    Cloning is killing me

    My cloner is basically an exact copy of the rafter cloner with a heater in the water. I have the floating "deck" in which the clones are placed and they get ALOT of tiny bubbles licking the stems all the time. I just tried to mix a different kind of juice this time for the mothers....Hopefully...
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    Cloning is killing me

    Yes...I have used a gel that I dipped them in, before putting them in the tank.
  4. M

    Cloning is killing me

    Hi guys I have been trying to clone for 3 weeks now, and I always end up with the same result - Clones die. I have tried to cut from the top of the mother and from further down. Big clones, small clones . Always the same death as result. I have read and tried the techiniques by Al b fuct, but I...
  5. M

    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    Hi Again Guys! With all the help I got last time fresh in my memory, I thought I would turn to you again with my clones. I have taken 3 clones from my biggest mother plant who is now a month and a half old. The clones are have been cut from the bottom of the mother. They are quite young...only...
  6. M

    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    PICS of my girls will b added soon, with some new Issues that I am going to need some help with.
  7. M

    One month and 3 weeks old with some problems

    So I have give them nutes for a couple of days now and it seems the problem has stopped expanding. So far no reversal, and I am thinking some of these leaves are too far gone to get back to normal. Going to get some hydro specific nutes today, and also specfic for mj. Will See what happens with...
  8. M

    One month and 3 weeks old with some problems

    Thank you!! Will start nuting them now....
  9. M

    One month and 3 weeks old with some problems

    I have two ak-48 plants that are one month and 3 weeks old respectively. They are given ph adjusted water with a tiny bit of miracle gro seedling nutrient solution in it. The lights are 32 w flourescents. They are on a 20/4 light cycle. Recently the big old leaves started browning at the edges...
  10. M

    My first grow ever - pics. Please comment

    So a week has passed since last pictures in this post. I have some fresh one for you right here. The big one is actually the one that was about an inch and a half last week and the crippled one is the one with the problem. We have a newcomer, which is the one that broke ground about a week ago...
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    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    Thank you so much for your input. I will wait a few days to see if the ph change will fix things....if not, then I will go with the epsom salt. Thanks again...+rep
  12. M

    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    Sweet! I will follow the progress in your journal. Peace!
  13. M

    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    I sure hope your girls will make it. I will stop misting and see what that gives. They seemed to like it in the beginning, but it's just not the case anymore so...
  14. M

    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    I do have the lights on while misting....could be that the water focuses the light too much in some spots...hmm. I will try to avoid it for a while and see if it changes. I have lowered the ph as well and given them a good watering with lower ph water. See what happens now. Thanks for all the...
  15. M

    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    The plant hasn't been on any nutes for a good while....
  16. M

    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    No one has any clue about this???
  17. M

    Help! Plants are strange - pics

    Hi there all! My baby is 2 weeks old now and starting to show some spots on the leaves that are lighter in color thatn other places. Please see picture. What could this be and what should I do?? Edit: I just found some test strips and they indicate a ph of 7.2. That's too high right?? Could this...
  18. M

    My first grow ever - pics. Please comment

    The first of the three new seeds has broken ground now...YAYYY. Welcome to the world, little one!! Photos will be posted for this soon The "big" plant has started to move quite a bit. It has doubled the amount of leaves from 4 to 8, and still moving. I think I was over watering it before...I...
  19. M

    My first grow ever - pics. Please comment

    I have never heard of it either, but ak 48 is not supposed to be a auto. check out this video on youtube. He is mothering ak47 and white widow, and taking clones from both:
  20. M

    Cali Kush 1st Grow

    Really nice man...thanks for posting in my thread so I can compare with mine. I'd say I'm pretty good on mine too a week and a half I should be about where you are too....Thanks!!!