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    Is there anything bad to drying plants on a table vs hung up?

    sorry, i didnt like my other post. but ya i just got them layin on a table on some paper towels, with a 20in box fan set on medium right on them. im just wanting to make sure its not gonna mess with tha oils or anything having them laying out like that but i hear about people dryin in paper...
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    Is there anything bad to drying plants on a table vs hung up?

    Hello, I just stared drying and I wanna no if there is anything bad about laying out the bud on a table and letting it dry vs hanging it up. I always hear about hangin it up but never laying it out. Is it just quicker drying when u hang it up? laying it out with a big fan on them seems like it...
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    Final Flush, Ph Water or Not?

    but i really dont see how asking professionals hurts. they said that using florakleen would help but isnt needed. and im sure thats the case, and i didnt mean to sound like i was arguing for florakleen. i was just saying that they recommended ph'ing the water. they had reason for it, i dont...
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    Final Flush, Ph Water or Not?

    lol not u pdillo, and i wasnt mad i was just saying. i thought the whole thing was kinda funny.
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    Best way to dry chonic

    Hey guys, I just had to do an emercency harvest with my crop because of a scare I got. And ended up with early bud. :( but anyways I was wondering if I could dry the crop now by just laying it out on a table with a sheet of plastic on it instead of suspending it on stings. aka thats what im...
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    Final Flush, Ph Water or Not?

    Dude I'm glad u got your opinions on shit, and I'm not about to have a "who's dick is bigger" argument with you but I also believe talking to chemical technicians of one of the most respected and longest lasting company's in the field is most definitely better then taking advice from you any...
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    whats up with the waterfarm

    lol well it could be a number of things, you didnt list all that many of your factors. it could be anything from under nuteing to under or over watering to wrong ph levels to light burn from a high powered light or anything really. list more details. mine were slow growers too but it was because...
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    Top feed schedule

    There are a lot of different opinions on this subject with drip systems. I dont run ebb and flow, i dont no if thats what u were still talking about, but i was talking about top feed drip system with recovery. I like it, it seems really forgiving, but i am gonna switch over to ebb and flow for...
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    Final Flush, Ph Water or Not?

    I just got off the phone with GH and while on was on the phone with them i slipped in this question because it has interested me. They said that the correct PH is for the roots them selves to uptake the nutes, and the nutes will be "digested" regardless of ph once it can actually get into the...
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    Top feed schedule

    yup with hydroton. plants dont mind it at all.
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    Final Flush, Ph Water or Not?

    I dont believe ph'ing the water is for the roots to take in the nutes because the roots are going to take in whatever u give it reguardless, good ph is for the plant it self to "digest" the nutes correctly and not "lock them out". its kinda like a human eating uncooked food, your just going to...
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    Final Flush, Ph Water or Not?

    I have always been told to flush, and it is strongly recommended by GH. I have them on speed dial, their techs are really helpful. but anyways I can deff see your point jointproject, but you could also argue for the plant to completely take up the nutes that is hasnt used yet it will need water...
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    Top feed schedule

    I run top feed drip and i got good results with once every 3 hours for 5 mins. im now half way into my flowering stage and i just upped it to once every 2 hours for 5mins and im running about 1135ppms.
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    p.s. mine were so dry it killed off there entire root complex and after i starting rewatering them, they grew the complex right back double the original size
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    I would just continue to run the norm schedule that u have. ive ran mine dry a few times, they just get a little droopy and they pop right back. sounds like urs have been dry for long time. but just run ur regular watering plan, dont over water cuz thats still possible. some of the plants will...
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    Final Flush, Ph Water or Not?

    First off you dont need to be monitoring your ph as much as u are. I just measure it once every time i fill up my rez or every three days. definitely not every 3 hours. but ya i would ph balance the water. i mean it doesnt really matter because its not like u should be worried about nute lock...
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    When should I start aggressive bloom feeding?

    That is the schedule that I have been using but it does not show when you should start each cycle in terms of days or weeks. I dont use ppms, i just that schedule from gh.
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    When should I start aggressive bloom feeding?

    and I dont have anything to check ppms, but i have been thinking about cutting back a little on what their feeding schedule calls for. any suggestions on that?
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    When should I start aggressive bloom feeding?

    I am on day 21 of flowering (12/12). That doesn't include my transition week before flowering. But anyways i am on the "bloom" feeding schedule for my gh 3-2-1 nutes. I was wondering when I should switch over to the "aggressive bloom" schedule? and how much longer until I can look to harvest? thanks
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    So far flowing is decent, but plants are starting to loose lower leaves????

    lol to tell ya the truth i prob dont have the right nitrogen. im on the gen hydro 3-2-1 setup. but i dont have a digital meter to measure ph or ppm so its kinda on the guess for this grow. i ran outta money and all i got is a shaker for ph and ive never tested ppm. lol its a hell of a grow for...