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  1. Growerwils

    How to speed up budding or flowering process

    mix a table spoon of molasses in a 2 lt pop bottle of water, the last 2 weeks before you harvest water with pure water to flush the plant out.
  2. Growerwils

    will lowryder #2 tolerate cold weather

    It shouldnt might make the plant have growth spurts
  3. Growerwils

    check my pic uploads

    check my pic uploads
  4. Growerwils

    Outdoor: too much wind and some leaf problems

    By the sounds of the plants and how big they are some wind wont mess anything up at all but like Rudy said i used that technique beefore with wimpy stemed plants worked like a charm, I also used clear tarp that you can get at a local wal mart or garden centre, i steaked up four 2X4's in a...
  5. Growerwils

    will lowryder #2 tolerate cold weather

    Out in Canada we can grow until the first frost in November/december man if its around 40 you say it shouldnt harm the plant but might affect yeild like boabbymac said
  6. Growerwils

    Egg Shells in Soil?

    My buddy has been growing for years now, and says thats all he uses for fertilizer puts 3 or 4 broken egg shells on top of the soil says it works like a charm
  7. Growerwils


    Thanks dude ill try er out.
  8. Growerwils


    Shes 2 weeks into flowering shes in a 1 gallon pot I started out with 20-20-20 soil now its just fertilized soil I had laying around. All plants are outside and doing well, its been a few days since i first fed bone meal seems to be improving.
  9. Growerwils

    !!Outdoor .vs. Indoor!!

    Indoor you have more control on whats going on considering you are in-control of the "sun" (lights) but outdoors nature takes over more pure and potent outdoor for sure
  10. Growerwils


    I started using bone meal because my older bottom leaves been turnin yellowish was wondering if this would fix the problem, a lack of nutrients?
  11. Growerwils

    supp mangggggggggg

    supp mangggggggggg
  12. Growerwils

    How Much Can One Plant Produce?

    This is not on the same topic but iwas wondering i started growing about amonth ago plants looking fine but a few leafs got eaten by a slug caught the lil bastard on my leaf, but my question is will this affect my plant in any way if a couple leafs are damaged ?
  13. Growerwils

    getting my plant to grow faster

    I know this does not have to do with the topic, but ive been growing my plants for almost 2 weeks now n i was just wondering how much longer before it begins to flower.
  14. Growerwils

    Mushroom Growing Near Marijuana Plants

    I have the same thing with my plants, i woke up this morning to find an inch high whiteish brown mushroom growing next to my weed plant in the same pot, is this harmful? or is it just transfering nutrients to grow much better ?