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  1. fali13

    Purple Kush - like grow problem/Please help

    ANYone? Guys cmon plz experts. Help out BUMP
  2. fali13

    Purple Kush - like grow problem/Please help

    Hey guys, im in the middle of my third serious grow, and i thought, its the middle-east, im a good grower, and the radiators are enough to replace the burning hot sunlight here in a glass growhouse. It worked out fine except i see that my plant is not doing so well. The leaves have wilted up...
  3. fali13

    2012 - The Last Year on earth?

    Oh no not this 2012 crap. My friend was filling me up on all this weird 2012 crap yesterday and it got me paranoid. Maybe it was the weed but he had some good points that the ancient egyptians had predicted it and the egyptians were better mathematicians than we are now. Which is true. So who knows
  4. fali13

    PLEASE HELP Wisom Teeth

    I just got my wisdom teeth out and am baked because i just vaped. But we are going out and are gonna bke but i cannot bring my volcano digital with me in the car. So im driving and im thinking, If i turned off the air conditioning, closed the windows and one or two of my friend slight a joint...
  5. fali13

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Buuuumpp ^^
  6. fali13

    Vaporize BABY!!!

    i had a vapir nine months ago and one month ago i finally got the volcano. Now my vapir is in the garbage because even if the vapir would be 100 dollars, it wouldnt be worth a crappy vaporizer like vapir but 600 dollars is totally worth it for the volcano trust me. I have tried both, and vapir...
  7. fali13


    :o Ive been smoking weed for a while now and im a new grower, but always have promised myself to stick with Mary J. But recently i found out that DMT is natural and can be found in our brains when we dream and causes us to dream and can be found it plants and all. I have two friends who have...
  8. fali13

    Boiling plants right after harvest?

    kk thanks for all the responses its just that when i told him about the leaving the plant in 48 hours at the end he was like wtf no just cut the base put in boiling water and leave in dark cold room for 10 days or something maybe more. so he said this was the alternative in the 70s and he told...
  9. fali13

    Boiling plants right after harvest?

    my 62 year old uncle complemented my 12 motherplants from sensi seeds today. They look crazy for my first grow and as it was in a growhouse, they had alot of space, therefore huge yield. maybe im justa crappy grower and the seeds were good. anyways heres my question my old uncle says that when i...
  10. fali13

    First Grow Attempt (Outdoor)

    any signs of flowering yet?
  11. fali13

    Volcano poo

    if you wanna cook it for longer periods of time like 4 to 8 hours (some ppl do that) then add water, anyhow the water will separate from the cannabutter.
  12. fali13

    Volcano poo

    A volcano is a vaporizer the stoners that know better use to get high, like myself Not an actual volcano
  13. fali13

    Pot Pills? please help

    Thanks! but , cook together about 8 hours? are you kidding me? how?
  14. fali13

    holes in my leafs pics

    nono trust me on this one you got bugs, if you want a simple, cheap organic method of repelling and avoiding bugs, put some garlic all around your plant stems (on your soil). This always keeps away bugs, outdoors will need more garlic.
  15. fali13

    The Worst Weed You've Ever Had

    dude are you sure the guy didnt think you wanted a pack of seeds worth 20 bucks? no dealer would do that, especially black dealers (theyr usually at least! mids):joint:
  16. fali13

    Whats your stash box?

    hahahahaha! amen to that, alot of ppl do that though I use a glass jar, in my opinion it keeps the herb the most fresh for the longest time.
  17. fali13

    Pot Pills? please help

    Hey, i was wondering, if i want to get high, using pills, no vaporizer, no brownies, no cannabutter using ONLY things that can fit inside pills. How do you do it? ive heard rumours that even if you put 5 grams of good stuff grinded up real nice in a pill and eat it, it wont have any effect at...
  18. fali13

    Volcano poo

    No, you need only like 5 grams of vaped (good) nugs, if mids about 7-8grams. (im european no idea in lbs sorry). you heat up fatty oil or a stick of butter in pan, (not too hot) only left to simmer a bit. Then add the vaped (brown stuff) i wouldnt use it if you vape till black, to the pan and...
  19. fali13

    A MUST READ!!! THC percentages of a strain explained and some other useful info

    when whenever im not as stoned as i am right now, i will give that a proper look, thanks man. +rep