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  1. jellis

    Can't Figure IT OUT!!

    I'm going to take your advice, thanks Mammath. And I apologize for the hijack Ben
  2. jellis

    Can't Figure IT OUT!!

    Well when I transplanted it into this same pot the plant's tips didn't burn until about a month into it. I'm using Fox Farms Happy Frog soil and I've leached it twice with clearex so I'd think that by now all the organic ingredients they added would be washed away right? Also, do plants grow...
  3. jellis

    Can't Figure IT OUT!!

    Nice plants in the last post man, really nice and bushy and healthy looking. Hah, it must be the H1N1, shit. I've been playing classical music to my plant and its not doing any good lol..I hope you don't mind me posting some pics on here too - its the problem I was having and it looks kind of...
  4. jellis

    Can't Figure IT OUT!!

    Dude, I'm having a very similar problem. I'm 3 weeks into flowering and my yellowing leaves look exactly the same with the brown spots, etc. I did what you did too and flushed but just like you said, the problem just got worse. Right now almost all the large fan leaves have fallen off and all...
  5. jellis

    Plant is Dying - yellow leaves, curling, rusty spots, etc, please help!

    Okay so I leached the soil with clearex 1 week ago. Then 2 days ago I watered with distilled water. It hasn't seemed to fix the problem but hasn't made it worse. The new growth is still bad though and Im getting so pissed off at this plant right now! Basically every single leaf tip on this plant...
  6. jellis

    Plant is Dying - yellow leaves, curling, rusty spots, etc, please help!

    I just flushed yesterday so hopefully that helps. I noticed after I flushed the top leaves were pointing upwards towards the light so I'm guessing that might be a good sign? I'll def try feeding less often, and every 3rd time is a good way to do it. Hmm, I actually used neem oil (fungicide...
  7. jellis

    Plant is Dying - yellow leaves, curling, rusty spots, etc, please help!

    So I posted a thread earlier about this problem but its escalated into something a lot worse. Btw, I'm growing a white widow clone, she's almost two months old and has been in 12/12 for 12 days. Its an indoor grow in foxfarms hf soil, with 220 watts of cfls mixed spectrums. Temp is around 80F...
  8. jellis

    black/brown spots on leaves, please help!

    The ones on the plant are moist but the ones in the pic are a lil crispy. I'm thinking either over fert or ph problem plus a possible calcium deficiency from the rusty looking dots on the leaves still on the plant. Hmm, i did add some cal-mag last week, I'll try to add it again in my next...
  9. jellis

    black/brown spots on leaves, please help!

    Ok I'll try cutting it back. The lights were about 1" from the tops of the plant and I just moved them up about 3" because the temps were around 88F. The thing is though, those leaves that I pulled off are from the middle/bottom of the plant. The black spots started at the bottom and made its...
  10. jellis

    black/brown spots on leaves, please help!

    Whats up rolliup community. So here is the specifics about my grow: I'm growing one white widow clone in fox farms happy frog soil indoors under 140 watts of cfl lights (mix of 6500k and 2700k). Been about a month vegging, started ferts (botanicare grow) about 2 weeks ago. The problem I'm...
  11. jellis

    Help a girl out with her first grow, Please help getting desperate :(

    Yeah try distilled and see what happens. If ph adjusted or distilled water still doesn't help I'd consider flushing which would let you start out on a clean slate.
  12. jellis

    I vegged for about 2.5 months outdoors and im flowering for about 2-3 more weeks. Its so far...

    I vegged for about 2.5 months outdoors and im flowering for about 2-3 more weeks. Its so far been flowering for 6 weeks and I haven't seen any real problems since it started flowering and the buds are coming along nicely. I was thinking that the MG soil would be a problem but once I leached with...
  13. jellis

    Leaching w/ Clearex - Miracle Gro Moisture Control Soil

    Thanks a lot of the advice I'll do that. Just one large flush/leach with clearex should hopefully solve this problem for a little while.
  14. jellis

    2nd try, much much better

    Nice grow man, they look should possibly consider transplanting the coffee can plant though. I heard they can rust and do something bad to the soil...dont take my word on it though, you should look into it. peace
  15. jellis

    Leaching w/ Clearex - Miracle Gro Moisture Control Soil

    I'm pretty sure this exact topic/question hasn't been posted yet. So basically my plant is 2 weeks into flower, in a 5 gallon pot, with miracle gro moisture control soil. I know this soil is definitely not good and it retains too much water but its too late now and I didn't take the time to...