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    56 seeds and have no idea what to do!

    I got alot of seeds for planting to. Ill start late march early april.
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    is my seed ready to be planted? pls help!

    i let my seed germinate to a 1/4 of an in than plant. after that you can germinate your sprouts even further. My cuz got his to 4 in before it stoped germinating.
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    please help with seedlings with yellow leaves

    if you over water you can get root rot if you have that its time to start over.
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    Lazy Seedlings

    i would check your temp. if you put your hand under and its too hot for you, its to hot for your plants. if you nutrients are burning it up flush it with tap water.
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    poor babies

    I would say nut. burn from perlite the or the lime. who long is the day cycle?
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    First grow

    how old are your plants? i didnt see an age in you posts
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    The Devil's Weed?

    pot brings me closer to god,but when my seeds sprouted it did look a little unholy