Search results

  1. If found: Return to CA

    Did I fuck up already? (Seedlings)

    My pH pen arrived last evening. Turns out the local water I've been using thus far is around 8.2 :shock:. I gave them some hydrogen peroxide water at the suggestion of jkahndb0 before it arrived, then the same amount of water with the suggested week 1 (half strength) nutes, since the coir had...
  2. If found: Return to CA

    Did I fuck up already? (Seedlings)

    No, I did not. The shop I purchased it from said Botanicare coir was pre-flushed, and that I'd only needed to hydrate it. I did so with pure water, not with nutes as I later read was suggested on the packaging. The coir has dried on the surface, but is still moist when I stick the tip of a...
  3. If found: Return to CA

    Did I fuck up already? (Seedlings)

    Three sets is what I had in mind, which is why I was concerned about seeing a possible deficiency this early, but I'll wait on nutes. With that understanding, how moist is too moist? I don't want to inspire or worsen root rot. Can anyone pin point what the cause of the yellowing/slowed growth...
  4. If found: Return to CA

    Did I fuck up already? (Seedlings)

    Thanks for the quick response. Since I also what to be conscious of overwatering, would you soak the coir with the 1/4 strength or just apply lightly around the seedling, overtime as the coir drys?
  5. If found: Return to CA

    Did I fuck up already? (Seedlings)

    To keep it simple: 5 seedlings 2 seem healthy, 3 are showing the same issue. What I'm concerned about is the yellowing and lack of growth of the true leaves on these three. All are growing in 100% coir under 100w equiv CFLs to start. I'll admit I may have over saturated the coir just...
  6. If found: Return to CA

    Royal Queen Seeds direct from RQS

    STEER CLEAR of ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS. bwest is right. They say they accept cards, but when you go to complete your order, it's suddenly not an option, at least for US customers, which should have been a red flag. Only options are cash and bank wire, and they will claim they didn't receive your bank...