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  1. P

    ro water

    thanks for the info i will look up ro/di systems
  2. P

    ro water

    Hi ive been growing for a while and have started using ro water just to see if i can better previous crops, things are going very well. when i change the water i check the ph and and its now 5.3 or below since using ro water, I change the water every 3 or 4 days completely emptying the tank. the...
  3. P

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    alright lads bit of a noob here. got this yellowing through most of the plants leafs and a bit if red stem cominin through, its not vary prominent yet but its only been doin this for about 5-6 days. Everywhere i read deficiency this, too much of that will lock stuff out. Is there any general...
  4. P

    need some advice on yellowing leaves

    alright lads bit of a noob here. got this yellowing through most of the plants leafs, its not vary prominent yet but its only been doin this for about 5-6 days. Everywhere i read deficiency this, too much of that will lock stuff out. Is there any general thing i can do to help other than...