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  1. dubtown109

    Prediction of Nuclear War

    the buildeberg group is the elite 150 that will survive many people in that group will surprise the hell out of you for instance oprah winphrey, jay leno, donald trump and many others a "pure" blooded nation is there belief it scares me to believe that things of this signifigance go on under our...
  2. dubtown109

    Your favorite thing to roll with?

    i would have to say im a vanilla dutch and green game fan, idk why but the synthetic leaf of the green game always seems to make for the best roll and i always enjoy the smoke of a blunt to anything but a vap or bubbler:joint:bongsmilie
  3. dubtown109

    New Marijuana Reform Magazine Looking For Writers

    what areas are you looking to be covered by these writers, i may be interested!
  4. dubtown109

    ~New grow!~ 10 Regular bagseeds; mystery strains - CFL/Outdoor grow -

    hey just subscribed love cfl grows and mystery seeds, looks great check out my grow im sad though i just transplanted and i think it might die cause i dont think i transplanted right, and didnt notice that...
  5. dubtown109

    Drugs, Inc

    id deffinately recommend watching that one, you will see the people in this world who devote everythign to making people better its really inspirationial
  6. dubtown109

    Drugs, Inc

    oh yeah man and the herion one b4, it realy saddens me to see people abuse these other drugs when all they have to do is smoke a j or toke a bowl and feel relief there is no need for that other shit man its sick, and the worst part is all the money wasted by the government on marajuana when...
  7. dubtown109

    Drugs, Inc

    you beat me to it man i was gonna post a thread about it lol, how about them feds cutting down all those beautiful plants thats the real crime really breaks my heart to see mary jane dieing like that
  8. dubtown109

    First Outdoor Growww

    well today is there two weeks so i thought id update it, they are doing well if i say so myself, im just concerned with the brown edges and yellow specles all over the leaves, ive been watering with botteled water, could it be ph levels? or light burn? the lights are like 2-4 inches away so idk...
  9. dubtown109

    First Outdoor Growww

    ha well thank you for the advice, and they were started outdoors but here in jersey the weather isnt reliable enough for a plant, so i brought her in, i was planning on going back outside with it for flowering and possibly vegging but i might try some lst and leave it inside, what do you think...
  10. dubtown109

    First Outdoor Growww

    just decided to update the forum even though no activity, well i have some pics first are from the plants one week, and the others are of the new indoor design i have for this lil girl, 3 26w cfls a oscialting fan with dig thermometer and a normal thermometer and humidity gauge, there are also...
  11. dubtown109

    First Outdoor Growww

    Long time indoor pot grower, decided the other day when i was smoking to just plant a bagseed and see how it grows outside, germinated it for 3 days had and inch long tail planted and 4 days later its doing great, its in the high 90s here in jersey all day just had a giant thunderstorm yesterday...
  12. dubtown109

    First Time Indoor Grow, HELP!! PICSSS

    well i think it was underwatering because my soil was so dry this morning it didnt even try to absord water the water was just rolling on top of it so i watered them really well and moved them to the new box here is a picture, the soil was like completely dried out is it possible they will come...
  13. dubtown109

    Big Noob Please help!! PICS

    Well i finally started growing weed (well at least im trying to lol) i have another thread in indoor growing but i decided to move one here, i started with a single rubbermaid but it was too hot in there so i moved to the box i have now with pictures i have 3 seedliongs that sprouted one is nice...
  14. dubtown109

    First Time Indoor Grow, HELP!! PICSSS

    well i thought i would add a pic of the new grow box just put in a flourecent and the two fans, the rest of the lights will be in soon with the plants, please if you read this help with my question above, thanks
  15. dubtown109

    First Time Indoor Grow, HELP!! PICSSS

    well i just finished the big grow box so as a temp while im waiting i moved the plants to a different box, with this box i have 3 26 watt cfls, its about 75-80 degrees and the humidity goes from 30 to 50 all the time, well i have three sprouts showing, one is about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch and straight...
  16. dubtown109

    First Time Indoor Grow, HELP!! PICSSS

    just looked at the plants three are above ground, i think my humidity is right its between 30 and 40%, but im having heat problems with the 4 cfls in the box it is above 100 degrees with 3 and some more ventiliation i got it down to 90 but i need some ideas on how to get it cooler with all 4 in...
  17. dubtown109

    First Time Indoor Grow, HELP!! PICSSS

    no i changed my mind on design at first it was gonna be 6' by 3' by 4' now its 4' by 45" by 33" to fit where i needed it so it will only hold about 10 flowering plants but alot more veging plants
  18. dubtown109

    First Time Indoor Grow, HELP!! PICSSS

    looking good one sprouted here's a picture of the new grow box in the process of being built
  19. dubtown109

    Variable grow Times

    Well i just started my first grow i have another thread on here with pictures and all, and i have been torn inbetween what grow time to use, some have told me 24/0 some say 20/4 others say 18/6, well im currently running 20/4, but i would like to know what everyone thinks of variable times, i...
  20. dubtown109

    First Time Indoor Grow, HELP!! PICSSS

    ok well i just added another 26watt cfl in the plant light in the previous pictures, could anyone let me know how long until i should be expecting the plants to come above ground, thanks