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  1. growman09

    mouth swab

    that sucks, did you just use listerine?
  2. growman09

    mouth swab

    thanks for the info, funny mines for lowes too. How long did it take to get the results
  3. growman09

    drug test

    still a little nevous so i grabbed some magnum detox saliva rinse anybody ever use this
  4. growman09

    mouth swab

    Thanks but remeber there are some really dumb people that will take what you post to heart wether or not its stupid or health threating simply because they think why would another toker give them bad or dangerous advice. peace ;-)
  5. growman09

    mouth swab

    wasnt giong to drink bleach already knew you can not my point is you are a complete asshole if you are giving advice to people that can hurt them because ther is some people on here that will listen.
  6. growman09

    drug test

    thanx for the info. Yea i quit smoking yesterday so i should have about 72 full hours
  7. growman09

    mouth swab

    your a major dumb ass!!!
  8. growman09

    mouth swab

    you know before you give advice that can cause major health issues you might want to do some research. DONT SWALLOW BLEACH the most that is ever supposed to be in water is 8 -10 drops per gallon of water. You should not beable to respond to people if you want to cause them harm!!!
  9. growman09

    drug test

    tuesday afternoon
  10. growman09

    drug test

    anyone? a lot of looks but no responses. please i need some help :wall:
  11. growman09

    mouth swab

    Ive heard bleach is a myth plus can drink drink it and not hurt yourself??
  12. growman09

    mouth swab

    oops sorry didnt notice tghe avatars were the same. Thanks for the info
  13. growman09

    mouth swab

    So what is your method of passing them?
  14. growman09

    mouth swab

    anybody know how to pass a mouth swab test :wall:
  15. growman09

    drug test

    Does anyone know how to beat a mouth swab test
  16. growman09

    Can police inspet your grow?

    if they see your plants and can count them then it is probable cause and they can fuck you over hard!!!!I would get that fence up quick
  17. growman09

    Full 8 weeks flowering today is this normal???

    dont chop yet white widow takes up tp 11 wks to get the full amount of trichs to get that "white look" plus it doesnt look like the hairs are even turning red yet i could be wrong but in the pic i dont see many
  18. growman09

    Flowering with 11 hours of NATURAL light and 1 hour of CFL?

    just do the 11 hours of natural light you dont have to have exactly 12 and 12 i like to do over 12 hours dark
  19. growman09

    Does curing really make a big difference? +++rep

    no wait until the stem snaps cause when you close it up in the jar the moisture makes evrything wet again and youll have to worry about mold more
  20. growman09

    Spider mites kicking my ass

    ive got a 80 square foot area with a 400 cfm fan cycleing air through and i had no problem killing them off and i just hung it about 3 foot from plants. And i meant no work spraying everything a hundred times with hardly any results.