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  1. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Just checking in and saying hello to all my good friends here that helped me out! Life got in the way for a bit, but I should be back around now. Had an issue with my girls once I got them into flowering, the one started to die, then the other followed, but had them in flowering for about 8...
  2. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    What the hell did SICC get banned for?
  3. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Oh wow, I missed that somewhere along the line, my AG pump has been running since I started. I am a week into flowering and it looks like they are both females, but I am off now to disconnect the pump! No need for an airstone at this point either then I guess, same idea an such?
  4. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Nice, thanks and yes, I changed them to 12/12 on Friday, so day 4 of flower.... The short one looks similar but hasn't given up her secrets yet.
  5. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Haha nice Kat, I liked the math best myself. Dont think it was me that gave you rep, but i'll try when Im done to see, cause yah..... But now for some news that this thread was doing so well: Woke up this morning and found what I think are some hair growing from (I hope then) my girls. Not the...
  6. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Nice, I Think I may be topping the one, prolly have room for a 24" plant but I did put them into the 12/12. Now I just wait and hope they are girls! Thanks for summing up nicely also as Mr. Alex said. I'll admit, as soon as I had the AG out of the box, I felt a little dilly for not having...
  7. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    So I am charging the camera so no pics ATM, but what Im hoping are my two little girls are about 10" tall now with lots of good secondary growth coming from the nodes. I have done some rigging so that I can suspend the AG hood, but in the space I have that really only gives me maybe 6-8"...
  8. Hobe

    Flowering questions

    I thought the American Yanks were trying to break the UK blokes of Spilfs. First time I had one (and I was young and new to the world of green) I thought I was getting ripped off!!! woops. My first gown will be going into flowering this week, Knocking on woods that they are my little girls!
  9. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Well That was a fun exchange! Just had to get a few thoughts in here.... 1. Got my AG as a gift and it led to, "hey wonder if I could" and 2. Got the Ag as a gift because of limited space. That made it a perfect tool for me to learn by and gives me something extra to keep me from any other...
  10. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Hah yes, the roots are taking over the res, so I guess I am on the right track. Just trying to collect enough karma so that they do end up being girls! Anyone need a house painted for grandmother? Pref in the Caribbean!? I don't live there, but any reason to go back to Jamaica.......
  11. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Those are some tasty looking treats! I am so very jealous! I've been trying to follow along with everyone's grows, just not much time to post ATM, but after about 2 weeks of Veg and not nuting my "girls" to death, that are starting to come along, but seem very very short for almost a full...
  12. Hobe

    Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution

    Not sure is anyone else still wants to get back to this, but without getting into all the physics: all of the compounds and elements that make up the universe were formed either in stars or as a result of the novi from exploding stars. Without the extreme temps and pressure in the core of...
  13. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Goosenecks are friendly for moving in limited space as well, not as cheap as clamps, but you can usually find them at K or Wal - Mart for $10-15
  14. Hobe

    Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution

    Thanks for the post, I've been looking forward to History Chan's special, and a being a nerd before it to learn as much as I can. And before this turns into a holy war, it doesn't disprove or prove anything, the bible is an interpretation of a stroy. "And then God said, let there be...
  15. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Spot on Lurk, thats as low as it gets on the Space saver. I am hoping that adding the CFL's will help stop the stretching. Thanks agin for all the feedback, Heads up's and tip of the trade! One day I'll know what's up! Trial and error I guess right!?
  16. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Here are my *Knock on wood* little girls. This is really almost two weeks, and I have to think that the slow growth is from insufficent lighting and overfeeding, which have both been corrected - I hope.
  17. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Thank you guys, and I have to think that was exactly it, small base and bad info, I put in a full tab from the start. I changed the water a few days ago but was just going to start over if the burn wasn't going to recovery. I also added two 23W Sylvania Micro Mini CFL's so back to growing now...
  18. Hobe

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    I just started my first grow in the AG Space Saver 6 (Not the Elite SS6) and then I thought, hey wonder if there is an AG grow guide yet? Thanks for all the great info and felt like I had to get in this thread. I was absolutely guessing when I started this grow two weeks ago, and suffered...