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  1. T

    wasup bro? Que anda por aki um portuga de bandeira a fazer?? Es mesmo de Lisboa?? Num se arranja...

    wasup bro? Que anda por aki um portuga de bandeira a fazer?? Es mesmo de Lisboa?? Num se arranja por ai umas sementes de alface da boa?? :D Cumprimentos
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    Death came to stay! Help me please

    Heat stress? hummm... No more help??
  3. T

    Death came to stay! Help me please

    Me and my friends have setup a room toghether to grow some "pot of gold" strain clones to see what we get. Since the beginning almost 2 months ago, when we planted the clones in pots, it happened once in a while 1 or 2 plantes would sudnely in a few hours get the leafs down with no strenght and...