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  1. PhenRir

    Low Budget Startup Grow

    oh had another question whats a light trap exactly? i know it has something to do with catching light but for what reason?lol anyways
  2. PhenRir

    Low Budget Startup Grow

    hey thanks, i have seen those PC boxes and thought there is not enough room so thats why i am going with the dresser. oh the man is going to be easy to hide from, but the people who know me is gonna be another thing. whats a good way and a CHEAP way to filter out smell. im running low on funds...
  3. PhenRir

    first low budget indoor stealth grow in a growbox of my own design

    not bad really, im trying to do the same thing except with a dresser that i dont use any more lol.
  4. PhenRir

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    aghhhh i just wanna stick my nose in those plants man and just get a lungfull. absolutely beautiful
  5. PhenRir

    Low Budget Startup Grow

    damn those look great! too bad im gonna start out with regs. oh i checked and i cant get the license but im gonna go stealth. ive got a dresser that i dont use anymore thats like 3 feet tall 15 inches deep and 28 inch wide. think it will work?
  6. PhenRir

    101 Already Asked Questions

    so do you have to change what type of light your using during the different times of the grow? if so what should be used during the veg?, the flowering?
  7. PhenRir

    Low Budget Startup Grow

    ok reading this and other grow journals makes me want to get started growing my own sea of green. however i need some information before i even get started,lol. the first question is how do i obtain a medical marijuana growing and or smoking license? and for the second question is what are the...