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  1. T

    Why do they look like this?(pics)

    those spots on ur leaves are spidermites
  2. T

    Why do they look like this?(pics)

    not true, some strains need nutes to grow at there best!!!
  3. T


    i used soap and it is killing my girls and Im 6 weeks in flowering, they are bearly living. but thanks dude
  4. T

    Why do they look like this?(pics)

    only organic soil, but i use the same soil,but i mix it with other things. but that soil is just as good. read the lables of what% it contains of the active ingredients
  5. T


    what do i do to grt rid of them, but now all my plants are dying!!!!!!!!!!
  6. T

    Why do they look like this?(pics)

    if your girls are getting yellow tips and ur just watering,it might be the type of soil. what kind of soil
  7. T

    Should I lose the fan leaves??

    the fan leaves you talk about are water leaves, and the only use for them is to hold water in nature. indoor growing u water ur seif . dont think its a big deal to remove them to get more light where you need it.
  8. T

    can i cook with just leaves

    my girls are 4 weeks old and i treamed some of the water leaves. can i cook with them????:joint: