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  1. psykoman2004

    NOOB, need advice before purchasing equipment.

    I'm no expert but I have a lil bit of experience that you might find helpful... First a good thing to now is where you live is it cold? is it cold all year around? and if so is your closet relatively cold? if so maybe the ambient temperature could in fact take care of the displaced heat from...
  2. psykoman2004

    PLZ HELP..!! simple question about hash ...

    Does the trim and buds NEED to be totally dry before I start trying to make hash or can I do it fresh ... my trim is like 3 days into drying it's still pretty wet ... Please i would really appreciate the comments from people whit hash making experience .... :mrgreen: Upfront thx for any...
  3. psykoman2004

    Should i harvest yet ..? (pictures)

    kk awsome... this is my first harvest soo im really worried about everything ... but atleast thats a relief ... About my setup is pretty rudementary couz i live in a third world country and becouse of that everything i got are the few thing i could bring from the US ... Setup: -2...
  4. psykoman2004

    Himalayan Gold HARVESTED with PICTURES

    hahahaha thats my kind of fridge ... man awesome harvest ...
  5. psykoman2004

    Should i harvest yet ..? (pictures)

    Should i harvest or not ..? the problem is that im going away tomorrow for 1 week exactly and my GF is taking care of them, the thing is she can water them but not even close in experience or knowledge to harvest and start curing so.... i wanted to hear your thoughts about if they might get too...