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  1. T

    WW 16 Days, growing weird or normal?

    its only a few weeks in if you want more hight move the lights farther away .... but it looks really bushy for being so young..... she will probly get huge just give er some time dont worry bout flushing and things right now just keep doing wat your doing.... i dont see any problems yet ...
  2. T

    Are you addicted to marijuana?

    thats y i smoke so i dont have those problems
  3. T

    My LED fluoro grow #1

    hey im useing almost the same set up as you and i aswell had the first set of fan leaves curl up and damn near dry out they kinda rolled on them self ....... i heard a few reasons for this 1 to hot or lights to close ..... i know with mine thats prolly not it .... to much nutes..... maybe not...
  4. T

    Obama's Drug Policy

    They cant leagalise marijuana you fool because it wont be taxed because everyone would just grow their own in their backyard the government wouldnt make near the amount of money they make now really
  5. T

    Who Knows there sh*t !?!?! Help

    time to go flower you got a female hence the hairs start your flower change the light cycle and get those buds forming three is also fine plants can have any number of fan leaves