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  1. lebdog

    1200w LED (SG602 x4) / large scale SWC System

    Very nice! I think that you will easily pull your 1LB every month, especially after you get in the swing of things with this setup! That's really a sick setup and I am going to do something similar RDWC. Glad to see someone take the leap! I saw the performance #'s on those lights at the...
  2. lebdog

    Quantum ballast?

    Just ordered 2 Quantum 600's, but the Lumitek's (more expensive) are now dimmable also... Because the Lumitek's are now dimmable and even have the additional feature of, "Going to 11" (More than 100% Power); the silent Lumitek's probably are the clear winner now. If I could put money on it...
  3. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Well I can't believe how this works out here, but the spray I used the day before the hot shots has caused every single plant leaf I sprayed to hang limp. Between mites and limp leaves I am gonna have to ask for some real help with my next grow. I have this buddy Nigel and he'll probably hook...
  4. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Picked up 2 Hot Shots Pest Strips last night from Home Depot and ALL the living mites I can find are dead. I used my microscope to look at several mite infected leaves and the mites are dead (not moving). The eggs are still on the leaves, but the mites are dead. I will report back in about 5...
  5. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Damn Mites, but only in 2 crops which I rooted cause I don't like mites in my crops. There may have been a better option, but these crops were frail anyways and before anymore mites spread beyond their moats; the web ridden problem was removed... I haven't sprayed these crops and don't want...
  6. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    What about using a small rockwool/coco cube as a wick in the bottom of the pot, surrounded with hydroton with the 4x4's sitting on top of them? That idea spawned a lot of thought! Thanks O! I have raised my temp a few degrees as per a vet's advice. In a major development, I have...
  7. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Well, it's 3 weeks in to flowering and things are looking OK. I had changed the plants from Drip to Eb and they responded quite poorly with drooping & curling leaves. I noticed roots growing out the bottom of the plant pots and still leaves drooped :wall:. After about 4 days of drooping...
  8. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Well, 2 things of note to report. 1st, the Dog Town clones had mites (I wonder if that's why they were sickly when I got them). The clinic I got them from was dirty itself (relative to others I go to), and the people working at the clinic lacked a certain discretion. 2nd, it appears...
  9. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    The first picture is the 46" Tray (potential plant height before hitting the 10" HPS1000 heat/light ceiling (I have the light cooled from an A/C actually and that's why I can get pretty close to the light - or so I believe anyways). I won't test that wishful thinking and plan to use the ScrOG...
  10. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    I had initially made a trial to see which topping method would work better, actually cutting the tops v. pinching the new tops. I made this test in 6 plants from 2 different strains. I topped 3 of 1 strain then pinched the remaining 3 from that strain. After a week plus of growth, I have...
  11. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Please, I have a direct tone often; but welcome your advice and thank you for the input. I think that I will keep the plants as they are (9 & 9) per tray with this run and that's why I am going toward the ScrOG. Next time I will have done enough research and should prepare better. I am...
  12. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    I am looking at the SOG v. ScrOG and will give some more attention in this direction before implementing anything further than the basic tie downs. I initially started reading the main SOG posts but after 50 or so pages of pissing match like crap I opted off the thread... It really get's...
  13. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Well in total disregard of the KISS moniker, I kept reading the various articles on training or not, topping or not, vertical grows and so on and of couse hit SOG, where I remember a High Times cover at least ten years ago with a SOG on the cover and didn't even know what it was other than...
  14. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    I only put a Hugo in a potential mother. Next time I will lower the location of the rock wool or use the Hugo. I appreciate the advice, I know I kinda screwed up, but will this effect yield if I begin to flood during flower where the roots are guaranteed in the wet. I am afraid of screwing...
  15. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    The plants are getting drip water 4x (9AM, 1PM, 5PM & Midnight) with lights on only at 15 minutes each on 18/24. The plants are in 4" Delta cubes in the hydroton. The tanks are setup to eb & flow also, but the roots aren't long enough yet IMYO and again I don't know squat. I think that if I...
  16. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Here are the plants in order as pictured: -Headband 707 #1 Appear very healthy to me, topped them 3 days ago -Headband 707 #2 Appear very healthy to me, topped 3 days ago also -Green Crack Appear very healthy to me, topped 3 days ago also -Dog Town OG (the clones were very stressed at...
  17. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    I was thinking about the natural aspect of the veg. and flower cycles and logically arrived that there's not actually complete darkness outdoors. Providing a little blue light at night may simulate the moonlight an outdoor weed would see. As with music sometimes my logic may actually be...
  18. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    You will notice one grow tray is 10" higher than the other. This was done out of necessity to accommodate two 4x4' tray in the 8'x6' room. I got the specs for the trays online and build the room first (pretty crummy mistake) the measurements were for the inside dimensions of the tray and so it...
  19. lebdog

    1st Grow Drip/Eb - Progress Evolution Log

    Well my name is Lebdog (often Lebster or some Leb Variant). I have gotten in to several different high level hobbies and would like to document my endeavors to grasp some mastery of hydroponics. I love riding motorcycles, mountain climbing and play bass in 2 great bands which play out...