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  1. small

    Cannabis Peanut Butter

    i have read that thc is fat soluble so if you have jiffy (not skippi cause its hidrogenated) you can either mmix it and let it warm at 300 320f for like 30 min i think or you can just 365f for less time but risking for burning it. If you grind that herbs good the oil in peanut butter will absorb...
  2. small

    dude that name is awesome! kush kidd man so common and yet so ...flowy.. you got flow kid...

    dude that name is awesome! kush kidd man so common and yet so ...flowy.. you got flow kid. chekit! .. lol. ps. im mega high!
  3. small

    Outdoor smell radius?

    well man it depends if it sprouts into male or female ive heard that one plant doesnt smell so much although skunk ...well...its skunky.... when it rains it and after smells more potent.. just you know.. chekitout sometime... the smell will grow gradually and if you think its too much than...