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  1. D

    Curing <- Stupid Question buit i want to know the answer :)

    I cure for about a month. I check every day for the first 2 weeks ..pop open lid.. turn busz..close..repete. then I let sit for 2 weeks(as long as they are dry) It will make the bud taste, burn smoke better. Its way worth it.
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    Barter Meds

    Ya No shit!! I understand, Did you read. I Can sell to a club...I can sell to a card carring member it legal in Cali to swap medz for a car?
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    Barter Meds

    I havent done it. I would like to if its legal. I dont know of anyone I was just thinking about it and would like to put feelers out there on CL....only if I am able. If I can sell my stuff to a club, then I dont see why I cant do the same with someone who has a Corvair to get rid of.bongsmilie
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    Barter Meds

    But I wouldnt be selling it. I would be trading it to another legal patient. What is the law on that.
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    Barter Meds

    Howdy all I was wondering what is the legality of bartering Medz for a car(Corvair) Im a 215 pt in Cali and I was wondering if I was able to do this with another legal pt. what cha think...good Idea or.......................unsafe at any speed. DGM
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    Any Tips On Outdoor Growing?

    If you have seeds to burn I agree germinate and plant some. It will give you great experiance in learning to PH water...sexing and you will get a lil smoke and you wil llearn to harvest and cure. Then over the winter I would toss any left over beer in the holes and learn to get the soil...
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    airport scanners and bags

    I would be worried when they put it in the x-ray and see something in your pbj.
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    airport scanners and bags

    Im going to be flying out next Wed. I have been pondering the same thing. What is the trick to mailing it? 1. Diffrent return add. 2. Vac sealed. 3. Should i put it with cookies and call it perishable(get there quicker?) 4. Pay cash. Anything else...other tricks? I am a med pat. in Cali I...
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    whats your favorite music to listen to when you toke ?

    Ben Harper....Burn one down to listen to it while ya toke.
  10. D

    PH Up And Down Organically

    Lately I have been using lemon juice and beer. I was supprised to see the beer help lower the ph...Im not sure why ...maybe Im high.
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    Used quck lime on accident

    Howdy....Its fast acting lime says its prilled from calcitic limestone...I gave them a good flush and I think I should be ok.
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    I think I have a fungus problem!!

    I rotate every week between 3 diffrent sprays, neems oil, insectisidal soap, and take down spray. Im hoping that no bugs will get use to any kind of spray and die off. So far so good......(fingers crossed)
  13. D

    Used quck lime on accident

    Well I think tonight Ill pull out the girls and flush the pots then put them back in. I transplanted them a day ago so I hope they wont feel a thing. DGM :peace:
  14. D

    Used quck lime on accident

    Oh man I hope so...Ill flush them tonite and keep my fingers crossed. I didnt use too much..out of 4 bags of foxfarm I used 1/3 of this shit(its a small bag about the size of a freezer bag) so I hope i will survive(ques 70s disco song) Thanks DGM
  15. D

    Used quck lime on accident

    Am I screwed? I went to the store need dolimite lime...grabed a bag said lime on it. I transplanted 5 girls in foxfarms, and used about a tbl spoon per 7gallon buckets. As Im reading the bible to day(my pot book ) I was lookling at soil chapter and ...shit I see in the corner dont use quick lime...
  16. D

    5 gallon pots

    Good thing about pot is they are mobile so you have the option of moving around and getting the most light. In the ground though to me the plant just seems to grow ...with less problems I usre FF soil in the hole and they grow nice and fat. Im in my 2nd year ..just a Jr at growing so take it...
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    Planting straight into the ground, tips tricks and prep?

    Ive been using b-1 transplanting into gound and no probs .
  18. D

    best bug repellent?

    I ve been alternating between neems oil one week and insecticide soap the next, so far so good no aphids, whitflies or spider mites...the god damn bud worms come later in the year so I hope it stops them. DGM
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    spider mites need help 1st time grow

    If you are nervous I would try the ladybug Idea...mist the girls and but some bug at night and see if the munch away......Neems oil will work too, dont expect quick results but if consistant every week they will die. I use to think spitermites were bad...then I got bud worms in aug, sept last...
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    Need To Pass A Drug Test

    Well if I could ask for some advice also...I smoke alot..20 years, and 140 urinluck a good choice? If not Ill have to get fake pee..which is best?