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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    hey guys, sorry about the slacking on posting on my part. shits really busy now and i've had a lot of work. anyway, here are some updated pics. harvested one of the plants; just the top half actually, 16g wet... I'm in the process drying them now. I've got them hanging upside down in a...
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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    Hey guys, I know its been forever since my last post but I've had a crazy summer and what seems like it will be a crazy semester to come. Here's an update... Originally I had planned to go outside with the ladies after vegging them for a little while. Like the stoner that I am I kept putting...
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    hey dude, what happened to the sweet tooth; i'm growing 15 of them now, starting inside, then transplanting deep into the woods of my buddy's back yard guerilla style. Have you grown sweet tooth before?
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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    in the pics the one with the stunted growth on the right is the one with the problems...smaller than the one germinated 5 days after it!!!???:-?
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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    Thanks for the comments. Yeah, I think I'll add some perlite or something like that when I finally transfer outside. Probably 1 40lb bag Fox Farm Ocean Forest, 1 15lb bag miracle grow potting soil, 1 small bag perlite, 1 40lb bag local commercial compost, and probab a few cubic feet of the...
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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    uh...ok thanks
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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    by the way, i ran out of aluminum foil half way through so thats why its all cracked out, im just a lazy stoner who still hasn't gotten any more foil. is foil ok to use? to avoid hot spots i have the shiny side against the walls. hope these guys grow nice and strong. :joint:
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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    Hey guy, OK, sorry for the delay. Its now been like a week and a half since I germinated the first four. I have since germinated 10 more with 10 more on the way... I got an hp of some really good sweet tooth, out of which I found around 30 seeds. Here are some pics:mrgreen: of my grow room...
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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    Thanks for the responses guys; I really appreciate it. I bought a bag of Fox Farm Ocean something or other today. I had them in Miracle Grow Seedling Starter, which I here is NOT the way to go. Also picked up some Tricarboxylic Acid "Energy" nutes for later. None of the germinated seeds I...
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    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    I've germinated 4 sweet tooth seeds with 7 or 8 more on the way. I now have them under 3 coil lamps in my basement 20 hrs a day. I plan to start them inside for a little bit of the veg cycle to get them hearty enough to plant them outside guerilla style with perhaps weekly to biweekly...