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  1. iamne0

    aerogarden cabinet help

    here's my simple setup: bought the cabinet at Home Depot on sale for $29.95. i had to line the inside with white contact paper (it wasn't painted on the inside!). added a cheap lock for about $5 and drilled a hole in the corner for cords (i'll cover that up with white tape once i put in a...
  2. iamne0

    Aerogarden Pro 100

    thanks... i've been reading up a lot (added an airstone & pump from reading the posts). here's my current setup (sorry for the crappy pic): i haven't added a fan yet, but i will once they start growing (fingers crossed). when the time comes, i'm planning to add a mini ionic breeze to...
  3. iamne0

    Aerogarden Pro 100

    thanks for the info koolkat! the "sprouting" nutes are now in the trash... i was wondering if you have any experience using the aerogarden from start to finish? i see from the pix you've posted that you have a decent-sized setup (i live in an apartment, so every little space is valuable). any...
  4. iamne0

    Aerogarden Pro 100

    I just received my AeroGarden Pro 100 today, but I haven't set it up yet. I've been reading around alot and have seen that most people recommend FoxFarm nutes instead of the included ones (kills the plants apparently). Once I have my nutes, I'll start growing and post my results.