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  1. C

    3rd day sprout showing female buds

    ya know this website is not as nice as grasscity. this site has alot of jackasses smartasses and straight up asses. this is my first grow. my soil has .1-.05-.07 nute in it. using superthrive is just b12 with a few other lil things in it and i used it at 1/4 strength and uses straight...
  2. C

    3rd day sprout showing female buds

    well there are definantly leaves growing above it and i can say that it definantly wasnt a vien but actual buds. though i do expect it to grow normaly now, if not quicker or slower then the rest. i will definantly keep this thread up to date .
  3. C

    How do i fix the overwatering problem?

    when that happend to me i re-potted the plant, its leaves purked up but the growth is stunted, it hasnt grown in a week. its only a 2 inch tall 12 day sprout that is stuck at day 6 of sprout
  4. C

    Ever seen this? pics

    its not uncommon to have this happen when a plant goes from flowering back to veg. i have heard it number of times before in my research online. one on grass city, a morphed papaya turned out just fine and had a high yeild. nothing abnormal about the yeild or anything. as far as outdoor, hah...
  5. C

    3rd day sprout showing female buds

    k well heres some pictures of hte lil girl today. she grew 4 sets of leaves, 2 directly on top of the bud, and 2 oposite direction. the upper 2 are normal but the lower 2 are something i havent seen before. enjoy!
  6. C

    3rd day sprout showing female buds

    so is this a common mutant? i have never ever seen it before and i been reading on forums for countless hours. and all day today trying to find more info. what should i expect as far as life, i assume it should grow leaves ... soon... hopefully..
  7. C

    3rd day sprout showing female buds

    ok so i have a 3 day old sprout.... showing no leaves but instead BUDS with PISTIL!!!!!!! ok lets just start by how i germinated... i used .1-.05-.07 soil, i put it in white foam cups and at 1/2 strength i used superthrive to slightly moisten the soil. i let seeds soak for 24 hours in...