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  1. DurbanPoisonFiend

    tons of discoloration help me plzz...

    Sorry no camera but all it is is tons of small yellow discolored dots all over my sun leaves mostly. Any clue?
  2. DurbanPoisonFiend

    tons of discoloration help me plzz...

    I came home the other day after being gone for a couple of day to find my plant all fucked up to say the least. It was an outdoor grow so im assuming its bugs and hoping its not a disease. The problem is that theres hundreds of little discolored dots on my leaves. if anyone can tell me what this...
  3. DurbanPoisonFiend

    Welcome New Members!

    Well I'm far from being a rookie grower but i am new here so might as well come through here nd let it be know.
  4. DurbanPoisonFiend

    help please

    To start off you shouldve had your plant under 24 hour light for the first week or two of growth. Also when your growing indoors you need to make sure you have enough ventalation in the room (a small fan on rotate works). If i were you i would take something and stick it into the soil then tie...
  5. DurbanPoisonFiend

    Spider mites, White Fly & Alcohol

    to be honest with you i think the ladybugs will be kind of useless because of the size of the spider mites. Also make sure the spray your using is low in chemicals because obviously if u spray your plant with a non-safe pesticide it has a greater chance of dying. I'm actually suprised your...
  6. DurbanPoisonFiend

    HELP! Plant roots have green fungus/mold around them

    I would say go to your local garden store and get some new fertalizer and some peralite. The problem was most likely caused by over-watering and poor soil drainage peralite and sand in the soil should help fix this. Also all u need to do is go to the garden store and ask them what you would need...
  7. DurbanPoisonFiend

    Spider mites, White Fly & Alcohol

    I had this same issue with my babys and I found that using a small amount of dish soap with water in a spray bottle does the trick. Although some of my plants did die from this mixture, most of them have survived and are finally growing again after the bugs stunted them. Out of the 30 plants I...
  8. DurbanPoisonFiend

    stupidest arrest ever....

    i got arrested for a 1/4 pound like a year ago...only got 6 months probation and 30 days in jail. Youll get off with drug diversion most likely. But for real u shouldve eaten that shit man i tried to eat as much of my qp as i could (maybie ate a 1/2 o) lackluster attempt but an attempt none the...
  9. DurbanPoisonFiend

    Grow Room Beginnings

    I've been told that if growing on a low budget with only one or two flo lights, that if u line the room with tin foil it helps speed up growth and increase lumens. Is this true?
  10. DurbanPoisonFiend

    My Super Grow Room

    Nice thread bro. I got some durban poison and some super silver growin right now i cant wait to see how they turn out.