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  1. G

    Outdoor: too much wind and some leaf problems

    still looking for some ideas :/ they look a little bit more healthy but still lots of dead leaves and dry leaves. i removed almost every dead one and left the ones less damaged. should i cut them also? i added some 17-17-17 NPK (that's what i have here) 4 days ago, should i feed them again...
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    Outdoor: too much wind and some leaf problems

    can any1 give me some thoughts plz?
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    Outdoor: too much wind and some leaf problems

    any help? is it normal to loose almost half of the leaves?
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    Outdoor: too much wind and some leaf problems

    Here i am, and now i really need lots of help You seen my plants 1 week ago, they looked healthy and they really were. I was away from the plants for personal reasons, i could just get people to give them some water and when i came back to see them, totally shock... I need you guys to tell me...
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    Outdoor: too much wind and some leaf problems

    thanks :) yeah, now i barely have yellow leafs, but i had a lot of leafs going dead in a 3-4 days time period so i thought something rly wrong was happening since they were dropped almost entired days because of the wind and not getting decent sun! I just came up with an idea to fix the...
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    First grow with master kush

    im interested in planting this strain so i will be watching this :) what lights are u using? good luck with ur grow mazpot
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    Outdoor: too much wind and some leaf problems

    thanks a lot for your answers and ideas, i will probably tie up some weaker stems on the lower plant :) Here are the promised photos: the tallest one is almost 6 ft tall, the bushier one to the right is 5 ft. They had some yellowing leaves but now it seems to be fixed, since i flushed them...
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    Harvesting AF Low Girl 1st grow (photos)

    i just harvested and finished drying and i got 1.5oz of fine weed :) i will post some photos i took before harvest and harvest tomorrow this strain goes very well for a first grower
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    Jonboy's '09 Automatic Blue Himalya and Automatic Little Angel Outdoor Grow

    nice to see some autos growing :) i planted a Low girl strain (automatic strain) this season and my bud just finished drying and i collected 1 oz and half. the plant was 3ft tall good to see ur plants, they look very good! :joint:
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    really good post, thanks
  11. G

    Outdoor: too much wind and some leaf problems

    Hello, this is my first grow, it is going well, somethings could be done better but it is going! The strain is Magic bud and i have 3 plants on 7 gallons pots planted outdoor. The soil is some gardeners soil which i fertilized with all-aroud 13-13-13 NPK. I will post updated photos later...
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    Harvesting AF Low Girl 1st grow (photos)

    thanks for your feedback :) i will soon post some photos of other 3 plants i have, magic bud strain. two of them are enormous :)
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    Harvesting AF Low Girl 1st grow (photos)

    Hello everyone :joint: this low girl is an outdoor autoflowering plant, 2 months cycle. she sprouted at the end of may, now it's close to harvest and i'm asking some opinions since this is my first grow :) i've read a lot about harvesting and curing but i feel more confortable if you guys give...