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    Grow Tent Club

    Does anyone know or have any idea which grow tent setup will produce the most dry yields, POUND FOR POUND..........
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    The Morgage Lifter Grow tent?

    Thanks for your feed back.. So do you think he should go with one of those EBB & Flow 12 bucket site hydro automated setups on ebay? His main concern is he wants something that produces large yields but , it has to fit in a reasonable size tent. Is that possible? he doesn't want to gut his...
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    The Morgage Lifter Grow tent?

    DOES ANY ONE THINK THIS IS POSSIBLE OR LEGIT FOR A TURN KEY SETUP OF THIS SIZE TO PRODUCE 15-20LBS IN 60-70, OR DO YOU CALL BULLSH@T!.. Has anyone purchased or know someone who's used Sun Light Shed "Mortgage Lifter" my buddy is very interested in purchasing one, but wants to research or get...