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  1. S

    reverting to veg?

    nice. One last question then, the buds that are on there now, they will still be around/good when the days get shorter? Thanks much guys, -slowhand
  2. S

    reverting to veg?

    Well, one problem with that I think is that I grew these two in fairly small pots and didn't mess with them. They basically grew straight up into one cola. So i think it would be very difficult to try and get a worthwhile cutting from.
  3. S

    reverting to veg?

    anyone have thoughts?
  4. S

    reverting to veg?

    Hi, I have a question I am trying to figure out: I am growing a few plants outdoor. I started them from seeds in March. Well they have been flowering for almost 60 days and I noticed about two weeks ago the buds were slowing their growth and the chutes and leaves were starting to grow more...