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  1. Step into my Closet

    Noob with sick plant, how about some help please? (pics attached)

    Yeah my well water is pretty grody too I really need to get something to test my ph levels. Im assuming that it doest matter what kind of test kit I get if I cant find one for gardens, a swimming pool or fish tank one should do the trick right?
  2. Step into my Closet

    INCOME TAXES ARE ILLEGAL: so don't pay.

    I dont think anyone enjoys paying taxes but when it comes down to it its something that needs to be done. Without it our country woudnt have any structure and we would have some serious problems. Even if were in a rocky time right now theres a lot of other places in the world that are a lot...
  3. Step into my Closet

    Noob with sick plant, how about some help please? (pics attached)

    I was under the impression that over watering just caused the leaves to get a little droopy so I was thinking something major was wrong. Its been three days since I watered and the soil felt dry but I think the problem might be that my pots came with those little tray things on the bottom so the...
  4. Step into my Closet

    Noob with sick plant, how about some help please? (pics attached)

    This is my first time grow and after a few kinks in the initial set up I have two plants growing. But now theres something wrong with them and I could use a little help from the experts. The first two pics (plant A) just looks like crap, all the leaves look like wilted lettuce or somethin and...