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  1. F

    Why Do You Grow Marijuana?

    I haven't been smoking for very long. But like most people here on RIU, I am just sick and tired of over paying for unreliable crappy SHweed (shitty weed). In all honesty I wouldn't mind spending a lil extra for good bud. Maybe even a lil more than extra. I have yet to grow my own bud. I always...
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    Diy bubbleponics

    Sorry Roseman, this is exactly why I try not to post while I am :eyesmoke:. I am not very savvy when it comes to building things. I guess what I wanted to ask was, I am very tempted to buy a Combo kit from SH. I think if you work out the math and time you would have to put it in making it...
  3. F

    CFL Tutorial

    FFS, this is why i try and stay away from reading or trying to post something constructive while i am STONED. I was wondering why I was having trouble getting a grasp of what was going on. I didn't know that there was an actual bulb called "Dual Spectrum II", thought it was just referring using...
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    CFL Tutorial

    In your guide you mention something about Dual Spectrum. I am assuming you were referring to both low and high Kelvin CFLs? If I understand correctly you are suppose to use a higher K CFL for veg and lower K CFL for flowering, or am I suppose to use both through out the whole grow process? I was...
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    Diy bubbleponics

    First off I would like to say :clap: Roseman and all the other fellow members on this forum that really try to help the community. I was looking for the pics guide on that you were referring to but either...
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    The Best...?

    Being a first time grower, I have been doing a lot of research as of late. I know with anything it is always difficult to determine what is the "Best". For me however, it ultimately comes down to quality. Price just determines whether I can afford it or not :mrgreen...
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    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    This is just one of the few I was looking into,
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    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    Has anyone here personally bought and used any of those grow tents being sold on Cheaphyrodponics? I am interested in trying the grow tents out. I know there are some DIY guides into building your own. Was just curious how much more "effective" these grow tents are compared to a DIY one, or if...
  9. F

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    A few things i am sort of confused about. 1st I know different strains require different methods of grow, ie: amount of light etc, does Stink's method basically apply as a "One universal" rule? 2nd question is along the lines of the first question, does the type of strain you want to grow effect...
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    Jillybean, Help?

    Coo guys, Thanx for all the input.
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    Jillybean, Help?

    Yea I definitely took a look at those sites. I was not too crazy about the payment / bidding method, also there seems to have been some negative feedback. Maybe in the end I might end up buying it from there, but thought I would see what some of the members here might have to suggest. Also I...
  12. F

    Jillybean, Help?

    I have finally decided to grow my own bud. I am not just very picky but I also would like my first grow to be a positive experience. Rather than opting for the fastest, easiest and highest in yield, I thought it would be a safe bet to grow something I really enjoy smoking. The first smoke I ever...
  13. F

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey guys. First of I would like to start of by saying WOW. I finally decided to grow my own bud. Not only does it seem a lot more cost efficient, but the plain truth is I am sick and tired of relying on a very unreliable source. I am going to assume that many of the fellow members here was in...