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  1. K

    Drowning in alcohol... I know I know this is toke n talk but...

    k2 and all that spice shit if fucking nasty it has put people in the hospital. Sux that you cant smoke I can sympathies with trying booze as a sub for weed you should try some good old xanex just don't mix that shit with the booze that's a bad idea how long is ur pro b and for what?
  2. K

    How The F**k Do I Do This????

    yes it would be a big mistake to vent in to an apartment attic especially if it's one of those buildings where say 4 or more apt's share one attic
  3. K

    How does this bud look?

    Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Nooooooo! do some home work buckwheat
  4. K

    Pot + Asthma = ???

    vaporizer dose help but it sill can cause some tightness in the chest depending on the amount and the type of bud i am concerned that micro dust gets inhaled. i quit the cigs n only have a total of maybe .1 or .2 g's a day but it still fucks with my breathing the problem is chronic so i have...
  5. K

    Brown / Rust spots all over lower fan leaves

    I am having this same problem has any one determined what is causing this
  6. K

    Is this a nutrient deficiency?

    it stands for Plant Health everybody knows that
  7. K

    deficiency help please!

    yup that's a mg problem
  8. K

    My seedling is ROCKIN!! literally!!

  9. K

    Leaf mutation?

    I don't agree ad besides thats not gunna cause a mutation
  10. K

    Texting people when buying weed?

    "can i make an appointment on the 8th 14th 12th 1st"
  11. K

    Wonder woman strain

    looks like it would do well for SOG I two would like to hear a report on this strain
  12. K

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    UUUUUUhhhhhh ok you go first i got your back
  13. K

    Texting people when buying weed?

    call me old fashioned but i think texts like that are a really bad idea
  14. K

    bad newss

    wow that sux sooooooooooo................ whats ur cousin doing?
  15. K

    Leaf mutation?

    thats bag seed for ya
  16. K

    Huge dilemma!! My apartment will be inspected next week! Help!

    well at lest they gave you warning and didn't just come in while you where gone which is legal where i live
  17. K

    papaver somniferum poppies :)

    yea well i had sex with your wife!
  18. K

    rollitup member busted?? how safe are we?? lets start a tech talk forum......

    why not just make 2 profiles one for unincriminating postings you can use at your home (grow location) and one for your hard core bud porn Just get an old laptop put in a different hard drive (new / different hard drive = different IP) then u can go down to any place that has free wifi sit in...
  19. K

    Outdoors in the Texas Heat

    sweet man I'll have to follow this one. its always fun to grow out some tx bag seed just to see what you get. although they usually flower pretty late like until l oct.
  20. K

    eating weed at a airport??

    you didn't get high because if eaten thc is only soluble if cooked in fat (like above poster said) such as any cooking oil,butter, peanutbutter ect. look in to making "firecrackers" i have also sprinkled weed on hot pizza and it did the trick surprisingly fast. i dont think weed tea w/ watter...